Cosmosent "News"

FYI, our newest News Updates can typically be found on our Home Page.

After a few days, they get moved here.

Every few months we move everything on this webpage to our "private" (secure) servers.

We last did so at 9 AM, Mon, Dec 9, 2024.


News Update : 5 AM (La Jolla-time) Tuesday, Jan 14, 2025

Two things things to announce today:

1.) Times Up !

NO ONE has yet made a name for themselves using Photosets' Short Form, 60-scene Video Maker.

So, we're now expanding into Content Creation so we can do so ourselves !

And, since we're on the West Coast, we're thinking Sunrise Bikini Photoshoots on the beaches here in San Diego.

2.) Our prototype 2006 E90 M3 Lite is still in the Shop.

The Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R job has been completed, but the Engine is now throwing VANOS codes, which the Shop is now trying to resolve.

We're now also investigating on our end.

As a reminder, one of the primary reasons we're developing a protype E90 M3 Lite is to put some much-needed visibility on Photosets.

From our perspective, Tim Cook's App Store is catastrophically-broken !

And we have ALL the necessary Ammo (i.e., relevant data points) to prove our point both in a Court of Law AND to the General Public.

Consider this:

Except for those who have one, BMW's 2006-2008 E90 sedans are UN-discovered Gems.

Even for those who have it installed on their iPhone, Photosets is an UN-Discovered Gem.

How is that even possible ?

We know the reason.

Soon, many others will as well.

Here's a hint, who has Full Control of both App Discovery & App Store Ratings ?

Certainly NOT us.

Who has the ability to Cover Up a Chip Bug to such an extent that they can suppress knowledge of one-third of an iPhone's Camera Tech, & NO ONE (with influence) is the wiser ?

Certainly NOT us.


BREAKING NEWS : 6:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Monday, Jan 13, 2025

As we understand it, Tim Cook's Apple believes it is under NO legal obligation to Recommend & Promote the best apps to "our" mutual customers.

However, we believe they're wrong !

In fact, we believe Tim Cook violated his Fiduciary Duty to AAPL shareholders, and most importantly, we believe we can prove it in the Court of Law.

The gist, iPhone owners have missed-out-on 1/3 of what an iPhone has to offer WRT its Camera Technology.

Photos on one end, Videos on the other end, & Burst Photos in the middle.

Each has their own set of Domains/Applications/Use Cases.

Apple has done well on the ends, but piss-poor in the middle.

Yet despite that, Apple refuses to Recommend & Promote third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps that are significantly better than their native Burst mode feature.

The net result, iPhone Upgrade Cycles have been longer than they could have & should have been.

i.e., the decision by iPhone owners as to when to upgrade.

By our count, Apple has left $113B+ USD of high-end iPhone revenue on the table over the years because of their "stance" on third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps.

That's NOT Trump change !

And while High-End iPhone owners, AAPL shareholders, & Apple's own cellular service provider partners, have ALL missed-out on the benefits that our Photosets offers, from a legal perspective, we believe Tim Cook ONLY has to worry about AAPL shareholders.

As we understand it, Tim Cook has NO Fiduciary Duty to iPhone owners OR to Apple's cellular service provider partners.

But Cook certainly does to AAPL shareholders.

We need the DOJ to Kick Off an investigation into our claims.

It's time for Tim Cook to Fess Up to the Cover Up.

Something he should have done years ago !

Click on the graph to view its 4K Res version.

The difference between the Orange line & the Burgundy line represents (our estimate of) the high-end iPhone revenue Apple "left on the table," due to iPhone Upgrade Cycles being longer than they should have been.


News Update : 5 AM (La Jolla-time) Monday, Jan 13, 2025

FYI, the next update of Photosets, v11.4, out by week's end, adds the following Enhancements:

1.) The ability to Adjust the Look & Feel of your 10-bit 422 (Apple) Log photos.

2.) 4K120 photo capture.

3.) Reduced Power Consumption & Memory Footprint.


News Update : 1 PM (La Jolla-time) Sunday, Jan 12, 2025

A few more things to announce today:

1.) We've RE-named Photosets' two IAPs:

"2x Capture" (+ 10-bit 1.5x) -to- "Pro" (8-bit 420)

"ML Super Pro" (10-bit 422)" -to- "Super Pro" (10-bit 422)

2.) "Guidance on Adjusting Front & Rear Sights" is the focus of the R&D project we hinted at earlier.

3.) We're continuing to update the Docs !

Updated High-Level Overview

(table last updated 5 AM, Mon, Jan 13, 2025)


Photo Capture

(Max photos/set)


12 Mpx
Photo Capture

(Max photos/set)


8-bit 420
Video Maker


ProRes 422HQ
Video Maker






In House






Super Pro

(10-bit 422)








(8-bit 420)














(1) Image Stabilized.

(2) NOT Image Stabilized.

R&D's schedule for releasing "collaborative" Multi-Scene Video Maker support:

(3) v11.5

(4) v11.6


News Update : 7 AM (La Jolla-time) Sunday, Jan 12, 2025

Three things to announce today:

1.) We're now adding "collaborative" Multi-Scene Video Maker support to Photosets !

You can think of it as a New Kind of Social Media !

When released, it will (initially) be available ONLY to those running Photosets on an M4 OLED iPad Pro.

2.) Every technical member of the company is now using a G34 as their CCW.

This has allowed us to standardize on Federal AE 147 grain.

Which most of us average 9K OR so rounds of per year.

And BTW, this is related to an AI & ML R&D project we've been working on for well over a year.

3.) We're "considering" Kicking Off a Brand New Marketing Campaign, based-upon something we stated just yesterday:

"Technically, Tim Cook & Phil Schiller don't know shit !"

We doubt most know that combined, Tim & Phil have NO Engineering & NO Software Development experience, & NO known OR proven "Camera App" Domain/Application/Use-Case expertise.

OR that the Actions of those two have resulted in iPhone Upgrade Cycles being longer than they could have & should have been.

i.e., the decision by iPhone owners as to when to upgrade.

The gist, iPhone owners have missed-out-on 1/3 of what an iPhone has to offer WRT its Camera Technology.

Photos on one end, Videos on the other end, & Burst Photos in the middle.

Each has their own set of Domains/Applications/Use Cases.

Apple has done well on the ends, but piss-poor in the middle.

We leave it to the Reader to figure-out the significance.


News Update : 3:30 PM (La Jolla-time) Saturday, Jan 11, 2025

One more thing to announce today, a Heads Up on the types of content that we're looking to "first" support with Photosets' (upcoming ?) social media feature:

1.) 10-bit 4K photos.

2.) Short-Form, Multi-Scene 10-bit 4K Videos.

#1 won't include support for 10-bit LZ4 Lossless Data Compressed photos,
& #2 won't include support for 10-bit ProRes 422HQ Encoded videos.

For both 10-bit Photos & 10-bit Videos we need something more BW & storage efficient than what Photosets currently offers, which is intended for Capture & Post ONLY.

E.g., 10-bit AVIF or 10-bit JPEG XL for Photos & 10-bit AV1 for Videos.


News Update : 6:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Saturday, Jan 11, 2025

FYI, after sleeping on it, we concluded "we need to stay nimble".

As such, we've Bailed on the Business Strategy pivot that we described (just) yesterday.

i.e., pursuing a potential Partnership with Disney.

It was a good idea, but perhaps NOT the best idea.

Pursing a First Institutional Investment is very-likely the better strategy.

The gist, we've been carving-out the High-End of smartphone-based Burst Photography over the years, & have recently taken a BIG step forward with the addition of 10-bit 422 4K Photo Capture & 10-bit ProRes 422HQ videos crafted from those photos.

Should have resulted in Photosets being named App of the Year by Apple last year.

But, Technically, Tim Cook & Phil Schiller don't know shit !

Either that, OR they are simply so worried about how much the Cover Up may cost Apple in terms of Coin & Reputation, that they would rather continue to cheat high-end iPhone owners, AAPL shareholders, & Apple's own cellular service provider partners, out of their respective benefits of the third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps.

Either way, we want to put visibility on the issue.

Apple's App Store represents a Monopoly, & we can prove it.

Apple was NOT financially harmed by their Cover Up.

That point is extremely key in the Court of Law.

Ask yourself:

1.) Why does Apple NEVER Recommend OR Promote third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps ?

2.) Why does Apple NO LONGER promote the Performance Controller in their A-series chips ?

The two are tied together, & ALL the necessary info is publicly available.

And BTW, if Tim Cook didn't keep the AAPL Board in the loop on this very important topic over the years, he will be forced out !

Cover Ups always get people in trouble.

Didn't they learn anything from Bill Clinton's presidency ?


News Update : 2 PM (La Jolla-time) Friday, Jan 10, 2025

FYI, quick update to our 1:30 PM News Update.

We will in-deed include it in our Pitch to Disney.

For starters, from a Technical Perspective, we would need to add 10-bit Lossy Image Compression support to Photoests' existing 10-bit 422 4K Photo Capture support.

And, we're already on the record as having stated that it's a Top Priority.

On a side note, we want to publicly state that our preference is to Partner with both Disney & Apple.


News Update : 1:30 PM (La Jolla-time) Friday, Jan 10, 2025

FYI, one more "really important" thing to announce today.

Years ago, we looked into adding Social Media support into Photosets.

We didn't move forward with it back then primarily because we didn't have the resources to do so.

NOT because we didn't think it was a good idea.

But now, OR soon, if we were able to Partner with Disney, we believe we could move forward with it.

And Make NO Mistake, TikTok's current situation should make it an Easy Sell (to Other Mgmt).

At least to get it Up & Running as a Pilot Program.

Travel & Theme Parks would be its initial focus.


News Update : 10 AM (La Jolla-time) Friday, Jan 10, 2025

FYI, quick update to our earlier Breaking News.

1.) Partnering with Disney is NOT a new concept for us.

It's something we seriously thought about just-after Bob Iger left the Apple Board.

But which we simply never pursued.

2.) Today we crafted a first new table for our Sales Pitch to Disney.

(table last updated 10:30 AM, Fri, Jan 10, 2025)


Photo Capture

(Max photos/set)

Theme Park





In House




ML Super Pro




2x Capture









(1) 30 photos/set without the 2x Capture IAP,
45 photos/set with the 2x Capture IAP.

Currently code-limited to 45 photos/set,
but we do have plans to increase it to 60 photos/set.

But NOT until AFTER we've added 10-bit Lossy Image Compression support.


BREAKING NEWS : 7 AM (La Jolla-time) Friday, Jan 10, 2025

Do you think Disney might like to partner with Photosets now that "Venu Sports" is NO more ?

We do !

Do you think Bob Iger might like a new Feather in his Cap ?

We do !

Cosmosent Labs, Inc., the Leader in Burst Photo Technology & Domain/Application/Use-Case support, is today announcing a Business Strategy pivot, effective immediately !

Now that the "Venu Sports" venture has been terminated, we believe there is good potential for us to partner with Disney.

As a reminder, Bob Iger used to be on the Apple Board.

And BTW, while Photosets is NOT a streaming media app, it offers potential benefits to Disney far-beyond what Venu Sports ever could.

It's now up to us to convince Bob Iger & his staff of those benefits.

Such benefits should have been Crystal Clear to Tim Cook & Phil Schiller, as many of them also applied to Apple, but for some UN-known reason, never was.

And BTW, it's ONLY 120 miles between La Jolla (where we are) & Disney's Studios (in Burbank).


News Update : 2:30 PM (La Jolla-time) Thursday, Jan 9, 2025

Quick update to our 5 AM News Update.

We want to clarify one important point regarding 10-bit Apple Log.

Referring to the "Adjust the Look & Feel" row in the table, beginning with the next update of Photosets, v11.4, that's a New Required Step for 10-bit Apple Log when crafting a Video.

And very specifically, changes are applied to the image data that resides in DRAM, just before it is used to craft a Video, NOT to the actual photo files themselves.

For example, for each photo of a set, & performed sequencially, Photosets will:

i.) Read the photo into DRAM

ii.) Apply ANY necessary (Look & Feel) changes

iii.) Use the image data in DRAM to craft a Video

And by performed sequencially, we simply mean the Sequence of Operations is performed one photo at a time.


News Update : 9:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Thursday, Jan 9, 2025

What would it take to support a 10-bit Full-Res 4K HDR Gain Map ?

For Memory Packed, we assume 5 bytes for every four pixels.

And Yes, ONLY applicable to 10-bit data, NOT 8-bit data.

For Encoding, we assume a 1/3 reduction in file size.

vs. an 8-bit 4K HDR Gain Map:

Full-Res: +1.38 MB

1/4-Res: +0.35 MB

HDR Gain Map Comparison (in bytes) for 4K photos

(table last updated 9:30 AM, Thurs, Jan 9, 2025)

Memory Packed





Full Res


Full Res






















News Update : 5 AM (La Jolla-time) Thursday, Jan 9, 2025

FYI, the next update of Photosets, v11.4, out tomorrow ?, adds support for Adjusting the Look & Feel of your 10-bit 422 (Apple) Log 4K photos !

And naturally, ALL the photos of a particular photo set at once (i.e., as a Batch Operation).

What to do after that (i.e., for v11.5) is NOT clear to us.

Ideally, we would add a 10-bit Lossy Image Compression option for sRGB & HLG during capture & for Apple Log post capture.

But neither of the Next-Gen candidates, JPEG XL & AVIF, are really ready for prime time.

And the JPEG with HDR Gain Map option isn't really a good fit when the starting point is 10-bit 422 content.

Gain Maps appear to be standardized around 1/4-Res & 8-bit.

With NO option for Full-Res & 10-bit.

And why that is we have NO clue.

So, we (like others) have a BIG dilemma.

To present the BIG picture, we've crafted a new table that reflects our current thinking.

Key factors:

1.) There is NO (desirable) industry standard for 10-bit photos.

2.) Photosets already supports crafting 10-bit ProRes 422HQ videos from RGB3x photo files.

And, it's currently always a two-step process, first photo capture, then crafting the video.

We could make it a one-step process for sRGB & HLG, but that would add delay to being setup to capture a subsequent photo set.

3.) The 15P, 15PM, 16P, & 16PM iPhones support ProRes 422HQ video playback.

The 13P, 13PM, 14P, & 14PM iPhones should as well, but we've NOT yet tested them.

Note that NONE of the NON-Pro iPhones do.

(table last updated 5 AM, Thurs, Jan 9, 2025)


10-bit 422 4K
Photo Capture


P3 D65


Apple Log

Photosets v11.5+



During Capture







Photosets v11.4+

the Look & Feel

(Post Capture)




Photosets v11.2+

ProRes 422HQ

(Post Capture)


Photosets v10.31+



(During Capture)



News Update : 10 AM (La Jolla-time) Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025

Cosmosent Labs, Inc., the Leader in Burst Photo Technology & Domain/Application/Use-Case support, is today announcing that the odds our prototype E90 M3 Lite moves into Production greatly increased today, with the announcement by Porsche (earlier today) that their Next-Gen 911 S will NOT offer a manual transmission option !

Some important facts:

BMW never offered an E90 M3 with an In Line 6.

The last NON-M BMW sedans with BMW's highly-prized Hydraulic-assist power steering were the
2006-2008 E90 sedans.

The N52 engine in the 2006-2008 E90 sedans is Rock Solid, & except for an Oil Consumption problem that begins at around 200K miles, is very-likely good for 300K miles.

(our prototype 2006 E90 M3 Lite is getting its Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R job at 215K miles)

On a side note, we want to make it Crystal Clear to ALL that we plan on producing NO more than
12K 2006-2008 E90 M3 Lite sports sedans per year.

And that most will include a 6-speed manual transmission, just like our prototype E90 M3 Lite.


News Update : 9 AM (La Jolla-time) Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025

One more thing to announce today.

We plan to bail on X/Twitter in favor of other platforms.

X/Twitter simply hasn't worked for Photosets.


News Update : 8:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025

Two more things to announce today:

1.) Today is Day #3 & hopefully the final day that our prototype E90 M3 Lite will be in the local Auto Shop receiving its Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R job.

If ALL goes well, we'll be able to pick it up later today.

If/when we're able to verify the Oil Consumption issue is behind us, we'll move onto developing the custom camshafts that we've previously described.

i.e., 11 mm lift / 268-degree duration, both Intake & Exhaust

2.) In addition to the updated Photosets User Guide, we're also working on an updated strategy for App Store screenshots.

One we refer to as App Store Supermodels.

If ALL goes well, that goes Live with v11.4.


News Update : 8 AM (La Jolla-time) Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025

Three things to announce today:

1.) Do you think President-elect Trump would like a Feather in his Cap for helping Break Up Apple's App Store Monopoly ?

We do, & we intend to recruit him to our cause.

And BTW, for those who are UN-aware, we have ALL the necessary Ammo (i.e., relevant data points) to make it happen.

The gist, iPhone owners have missed-out-on 1/3 of what an iPhone has to offer WRT its Camera Technology.

Photos on one end, Videos on the other end, & Burst Photos in the middle.

Each has their own set of Domains/Applications/Use Cases.

Apple has done well on the ends, but piss-poor in the middle.

Yet despite their poor showing In The Middle, Apple won't Recommend OR Promote significantly-better third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps.

Effectively cheating high-end iPhone owners, AAPL shareholders, & Apple's own cellular service provider partners, out of their respective benefits.

And BTW, do NOT be surprised if the AAPL Board is (ultimately) forced to force Cook & Schiller out.

2.) We've decided to include Photosets' upcoming 4K120 Photo Capture support as part of the app's 2x Capture IAP.

That's because the Base version's 30 photos/set Max capture duration is simply too short to properly support it.

3.) Like yesterday, our top priority today is continuing to RE-write our Photosets User Guide.

And, we don't plan to release the next update of Photosets, v11.4, until we've completely updated the User Guide.


News Update : 11 AM (La Jolla-time) Tuesday, Jan 7, 2025

FYI, we've decided to make the new User Docs the main upgrade for the next update of Photosets, v11.4, out by week's end.

Read that to mean that support for 4K120 photo capture will NOT be enabled in v11.4.

Even at "60" photos/set it would be right at the limit of what we deem acceptable.

i.e., one-half-second of capture duration per photo set.

Additionally, since Photosets' RGB3x Lossless 10-bit 422 4K photo capture is currently limited to "45" photos/set, it wouldn't make sense for us to enable it for 10-bit capture either.

And we don't really want to increase the Max capture duration for 10-bit capture until AFTER we've added a 10-bit Lossy compression option.

i.e., to reduce file sizes.


News Update : 8 AM (La Jolla-time) Tuesday, Jan 7, 2025

One more thing to announce today,

Assume President-elect Trump (because of his BIG Bill strategy) soon realizes that he will very-likely NOT have ANY accomplishments to point to during the first 100-200 days of his 2nd Term AND that he is setup to become Railroaded by the J6ers & their families.

In such case, Trump would naturally like to have a Feather in his Cap (for something).

We can offer him that something.

Specifically, a chance to help Break Up Apple's App Store Monopoly.

We have all the necessary Ammo (i.e., relevant data points) to make it happen.

Make NO mistake, if Trump gets behind our cause the AAPL Board will be forced
to force Cook & Schiller out.

And they will be doing so on the grounds of Technical Incompetence & Market Opportunity Ignorance.

As we've previously mentioned, iPhone owners have missed-out-on 1/3 of what an iPhone has to offer WRT its Camera Technology.

Photos on one end, Videos on the other end, & Burst Photos in the middle.

Each has their own set of Domains/Applications/Use Cases.

Apple has done well on the ends, but piss-poor in the middle.

Yet despite that, they refuse to Recommend & Promote third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps that are significantly better than their native Burst mode feature.

And (yet) despite that, Apple has NOT been financially harmed by their Actions.

And that Boys & Girls is how you can prove in a court of law
that a company does in-deed have a Monopoly.


News Update : 7 AM (La Jolla-time) Tuesday, Jan 7, 2025

Three things to announce today:

1.) We've NOT yet made a decision on whether to enable support for 4K120 Photo Capture in the next update of Photosets, v11.4, out by week's end.

See our "Photosets' Capture Duration Comparison" table.

2.) Late yesterday we decided to prioritize updated User Docs with v11.4.

3.) Today we dropped the price of the Base version by half,
& increased the price of the ML Super Pro IAP by 1/3.

Our intent is to help Photosets become the first-ever De Facto Burst Photo Camera App,
while also protecting our AI & ML interests.


News Update : 4 PM (La Jolla-time) Monday, Jan 6, 2025

FYI, we needed to craft a new table for both Internal & External discussions
& thought others might like to see it as well.

By sufficiently Skilled in the Art, we are referring to Skill using Photosets' Long Press Shutter (support) controlling the Capture Engine's Circular Buffer.

Photosets' Capture Duration Comparison

(Red = Too short for most, Blue = Best for those sufficiently Skilled in the Art)

(table last updated 8 PM, Mon, Jan 6, 2025)


Image Stabilization

Image Stabilization







8 Mpx


12 Mpx


In House


2 + 1/2

1 + 1/4


2 + 1/2


2x Capture IAP






1 + 1/3








(1) 4K: 75 photos/set, 12Mpx: 60 photos/set.

(2) 4K: 60 photos/set, 12Mpx: 40 photos/set.

(3) 4K: 30 photos/set, 12Mpx: 20 photos/set.


News Update : 10:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Monday, Jan 6, 2025

Two things to announce today:

1.) The next update of Photosets, v11.4, could be released as early as later today.

It "may" OR may NOT include 10-bit 422 4K120 Log Photo Capture.

Strictly a Business Decision & strictly Our Call.

And Yes, we've NOT yet submitted v11.4 to App Review.

The gist, even though Photosets has included support for 10-bit 422 4K60 Log Photo Capture since the release of v10.31, NO End Users have yet used it.

i.e., requires the ML Super Pro IAP, which we can monitor sales of in the App Store.

Simply put, it "may" be in our best interest to align the 4K120 support with our planned Uber/Lyft/DoorDash-style Business Strategy for the Capture & Collection of "Dynamic" ML Training Data.

Something we first began adding support for in Photosets v11.1.

2.) Our prototype E90 M3 Lite is now in the Shop receiving its planned Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R job.

If/when we're able to verify the Oil Consumption issue is behind us, we'll quickly move on to developing our custom camshafts for it.

i.e., 11 mm lift / 268-degree duration, both Intake & Exhaust.

And BTW, 11 mm = 0.433".

Will make for a very nice "Daily Driver" !

📌 Photosets v11.4 ? 10-bit 422 Photo Capture

(table last updated 10:30 AM, Mon, Jan 6, 2025)






P3 D65


Apple Log


P3 D65


Apple Log




























(1) Released in v10.31.


News Update : 7 PM (La Jolla-time) Sunday, Jan 5, 2025

FYI, we plan to release the next update of Photosets, v11.4, tomorrow, with another smartphone industry first, 10-bit 422 4K120 photo capture !


News Update : 8 AM (La Jolla-time) Sunday, Jan 5, 2025

FYI, quick update to our earlier News Update.

One way to prove a company has a Monopoly is simply to illustrate that they've NOT been financially hurt by their Actions.

And it comes down to a company's ability to Fully Control the Narrative.

As we previously mentioned, iPhone owners have missed-out-on 1/3 of what an iPhone has to offer WRT its Camera Technology.

Photos on one end, Videos on the other end, & Burst Photos in the middle.

Each has their own set of Domains/Applications/Use Cases.

Apple has done well on the ends, but piss-poor in the middle.

Yet despite that, they refuse to Recommend & Promote third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps that are significantly better than their native Burst mode feature.

And (yet) despite that, Apple has NOT been financially harmed by their Actions.

On a side note, NO member of the AAPL Board has ever contacted us regarding this extremely important issue.

We find that extremely puzzling.


News Update : 7:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Sunday, Jan 5, 2025

Cosmosent Labs, Inc., the Leader in Burst Photo Technology & Domain/Application/Use-Case support, is today announcing that we're On Track to Release the next update of Photosets, v11.4, by mid-week with (added) 4K120 photo capture support.

On a side note, (early) yesterday we referenced (via a Tweet) just how much iPhone revenue (we believe) Apple left on the table via their "stance" on Photosets.

Today we simply want to add that yesterday's Tweet "could become" the Catalyst for a potential Class Action Lawsuit against Apple.

And in such case, would Open the Floodgates to a whole slew of problems for the AAPL Board to address.

E.g., should Tim Cook, a man with NO Engineering OR Software Development experience, & NO known OR proven "Camera App" Domain/Application/Use-Case expertise, be allowed to continue to run Apple ?

OR e.g., should Phil Schiller, a man with NO Engineering OR Software Development experience, & NO known OR proven "Camera App" Domain/Application/Use-Case expertise, be allowed to continue to run Apple's App Store ?

From our perspective, it has been Technical Incompetence combined with Market Opportunity Ignorance on the part of Apple's Mgmt Team that has gotten Apple into trouble.

Also on a side note, today we simply want to RE-iterate that there is a 50% chance that AI flops.

As a team of seasoned EEs, the enthusiasm for AI reminds us of the enthusiasm for Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) back in the mid-1990s.

And we ALL know what happened there.

And here's the kicker, we're very-likely NOT gonna know if AI flops for 5-7 years.

If it does, AND the AI data center Power Generation Infrastructure is built-up responsibly, we'll ALL have cheap abundent "clean" energy to tap into moving forward.

That, in fact, might be the Best & Preferred Outcome for AI.

FOMO is driving AI today.

FOMO was driving ATM in the mid-1990s.

There is a parallel for those who look closely.

One should NOT assume that AI will gain traction.

Right now it's just a Pipe Dream.

Lack of Domain/Application/Use-Case expertise is the most-likely factor to derail it.

We're playing our part to try to help out.

i.e., via (dedicated) support for Capturing & Collecting "Dynamic" ML Training Data.

Off the radar of most, but should NOT be.

If Tim Cook wasn't running Apple & Phil Schiller wasn't running the App Store,
you would have heard about it already !

And BTW, we're gonna make it hard for Trump to provide Apple with another Tariff Exemption.

It's NOT OK for Apple to suppress third-party innovation just because they've been Leapfrogged in a Camera Tech by a much smaller company !


News Update : 8 AM (La Jolla-time) Saturday, Jan 4, 2025

Cosmosent Labs, Inc., the Leader in Burst Photo Technology & Domain/Application/Use-Case support, is today announcing that the next update of Photosets, v11.4, out soon, adds support for 4K120 burst photo capture !

Upon release, It will be available to those running Photosets on a 16 Pro OR 16 Pro Max iPhone.

On a side note, today we'd like to point out that (upon release) v11.4 will represent Photosets' 399th App Store App Review Approval !

As such, we feel compelled to make v11.5 extra special.

Perhaps with added support for crafting JPEGs with Gain Maps from your captured RGB3x Lossless 10-bit 422 4K60 & 4K120 photos.

And BTW, we were planning to add that into v11.4, but it's a somewhat-challenging implementation task.

The delay now works to our advantage.


News Update : 5 AM (La Jolla-time) Friday, Jan 3, 2025

Cosmosent Labs, Inc., the Leader in Burst Photo Technology & Domain/Application/Use-Case support, is today announcing that we've expanded Availability of Photosets to include Canada, (mainland) China, & the United Kingdom.

Also, today we've RE-priced the Base version of Photosets to ONE U.S. Buck.

And BTW, NO ONE took advantage of it yesterday when it was priced at twenty-nine cents.


News Update : 1 PM (La Jolla-time) Thursday, Jan 2, 2025

Cosmosent Labs, Inc., the Leader in Burst Photo Technology & Domain/Application/Use-Case support, is today announcing that Apple would NOT have needed to discount their "16 Pro" & "16 Pro Max" iPhones in China, if they had simply announced Photosets as App of the Year (for 2024) one month ago !

As we mentioned earlier today, iPhone owners have missed-out-on 1/3 of what an iPhone has to offer WRT its Camera Technology.

Photos on one end, Videos on the other end, & Burst Photos in the middle.

Each has their own set of Domains/Applications/Use Cases.

Apple has done well on the ends, but piss-poor in the middle.

Yet despite that, they refuse to Recommend & Promote third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps that are significantly better than their native Burst mode feature.

By our count, Apple left $113B USD of high-end iPhone revenue "on the table" over the years because of their "stance" on third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps.

i.e., From the Release Date of the 2016 iPhone 7+, Apple's first true High-Perf iPhone, thru April 4, 2023 (when we stopped analyzing the issue).

And now, with today's news regarding iPhone discounts in China, Apple Mgmt (clearly) still doesn't get it !

We say it's time for the AAPL Board to replace Tim Cook & Phil Schiller by with internal candidates who are much more Technical than the ones they are replacing.

From our perspective, it's been Technical Incompetence & Market Ignorance that has gotten Apple into trouble.


News Update : 8 AM (La Jolla-time) Thursday, Jan 2, 2025

FYI, effective immediately, we're now promoting Photosets as the twenty-nine-cent Burst Photo Camera App.

And we're doing so for multiple reasons, one of which is we believe it's the perfect place to begin extracting concessions from Apple regarding their third-party Burst Photo Camera App "Cover Up".

It's NO secret that Tim Cook wants another Tariff Exemption for Apple from Trump.

This time, it could be alot more difficult for Trump to grant it.

Neither the General Public NOR President-elect Trump know that Tim Cook's Apple "cheated" high-end iPhone owners & AAPL shareholders out of their "respective benefits" of third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps.

From an AAPL shareholder perspective, by our count, Apple has left $113B USD of high-end iPhone revenue "on the table" over the years because of their "stance" on third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps.

And very specifically, due to iPhone Upgrade Cycles being longer than they could have & should have been.

i.e., the decision by iPhone owners as to when to upgrade.

The gist, iPhone owners missed-out-on 1/3 of what the iPhone had to offer WRT its Camera Technology.

Photos on one end, Videos on the other end, & Burst Photos in the middle.

Each has their own set of Applications/Use Cases.

Apple has done well on the ends, but piss-poor in the middle.

Yet despite that, they refuse to Recommend & Promote third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps that are significantly better than their native Burst mode feature.

OK, but why ?

Insecurity, we believe, is the main reason.

They simply don't want the General Public to know that they've been Leapfrogged in a Camera Tech by a much smaller company.

And, ever since we pointed out to Apple just how much they've left on the table, they're probably extremely scared now of that getting out.

In other words, the Hole that they Dug themselves into is getting Deeper Over Time.

And will continue to do so until it becomes Common Knowledge & they finally agree to the Cover Up.

Starting today, we're gonna do our best to get Apple to publicly agree to a list of concessions we want for the App Store, BEFORE Trump kicks off his 2nd term on Jan 20th.

Here is a first-cut of our list:

1.) MUST publicly admit to the third-party Burst Photo Camera App "Cover Up".

2.) MUST agree to a fixed & permanent 0% Apple Tax on Paid Apps priced at $0.29 USD.

3.) MUST agree to promote a Paid App priced at $0.29 USD every Wednesday as App of the Day that has been in the App Store for at-least ONE Year & has NEVER received ANY love from Apple in their App Store.

4.) MUST agree to provide feedback to App Devs on Ratings Requests made by an App that were both Granted & NOT Granted by iOS.

5.) MUST agree to Explain to both App Devs & AAPL shareholders on how they screwed-up so badly, & describe in detail on how it won't happen again.


News Update : 11 AM (La Jolla-time) Wednesday, Jan 1, 2025

FYI, today we are announcing that we intend to challenge the Technical & Market Competence
of Apple's App Store Mgmt Team.

And we're starting today with an updated promo for Photosets:

Light Years Ahead of Apple's Burst mode feature !

Very-likely the Single-Best UN-Discovered Gem (App) in the entire App Store !

Should have been App of the Year in 2024 !

Consider this

If Apple AND/OR the U.S. Justice Dept asked third-party Camera App Devs "does Apple play favorites ?"

We believe ALL but ONE would say Yes.

And in private, we believe even that ONE would say Yes.

Make NO mistake, Tim Cook has done considerable disservice to iPhone owners, AAPL shareholers, & Apple's own cellular service provider partners, by letting Phil Schiller continue to run the App Store.

We've already pointed-out to Apple that Phil is responsible for Apple leaving more than $100B USD of high-end iPhone revenue on the table over the years, due to iPhone Upgrade Cycles being longer than they could have & should have been.

i.e., the decision by iPhone owners as to when to upgrade.

Click on the graph to view its 4K Res version.

The difference between the Orange line & the Burgundy line represents (our estimate of) the high-end iPhone revenue Apple "left on the table," due to iPhone Upgrade Cycles being longer than they should have been.


News Update : 8 AM (La Jolla-time) Wednesday, Jan 1, 2025

FYI, we've pivoted somewhat WRT Photosets from what we had outlined yesterday.

Today, we've RE-enabled the ability for End Users to purchase both of Photosets' IAPs, and we've RE-priced both the Base version & the 2x Capture IAP to $0.29 USD.

And BTW, prior to today, Photosets' 2x Capture IAP has never been priced below $4.99 USD.


News Update : 4:30 PM (La Jolla-time) Tuesday, Dec 31, 2024

FYI, quick update to our earlier News Update.

Because of the relatively-new change-in-sentiment regarding AI, we now believe we can move forward with our planned Uber/Lyft/DoorDash-style business model for the Capture & Collection of custom "Dynamic" Training Data.

And specifically, using the Features & Capabilities of what had represented Photosets' 2x Capture & ML Super Pro IAPs.

i.e., as a Services Offering.

Consider this:

1.) We keep the Base version of Photosets FREE, to build-up an Army of Highly-Skilled End Users.

2.) We update Photosets so that those aligned with our Uber/Lyft/DoorDash-style business model have access to the Features & Capabilities of what had represented the 2x Capture & ML Super Pro IAPs.

And BTW, if CNBC is reporting on it, then it's already mainstream within the VC community.


News Update : 2:30 PM (La Jolla-time) Tuesday, Dec 31, 2024

FYI, we've Removed Photosets' two IAPs, 2x Capture & ML Super Pro, from Sale in the App Store.

Both were new & neither had any sales.

And, we've pivoted the Base version of Photosets back to a FREE app.

And BTW, we made the changes in response to this,
which represents others (finally) coming-around to our way of thinking:

link to CNBC AI Video


News Update : 8 AM (La Jolla-time) Tuesday, Dec 31, 2024

FYI, Photosets should have been App of the Year this year, but it NEVER had a chance with Apple having 100% Control of both App Discovery & App Store Ratings.

Yet, that doesn't diminish what Photosets represents:

A rare, true Flagship-caliber Camera App !

Light Years Ahead of Apple's Burst mode feature !

Very-likely the Single-Best UN-Discovered Gem (App) in the entire App Store !

If the U.S. Govt asked third-party Camera App Devs "does Apple play favorites ?"

ALL but ONE would say Yes !

And BTW, for those of you who don't know, one of the best ways to prove a company has a Monopoly is to illustrate that they weren't financially hurt by their Actions.

And in this case, intentionally suppressing knowledge of third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps that are significantly better than Apple's own native Burst mode feature.

There is NO way to sugar coat it, Apple cheated high-end iPhone owners, AAPL shareholders, & Apple's own cellular service provider partners, out of their respective benefits of the third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps.

WRT to AAPL shareholders & Apple's own cellular service provider partners, iPhone Upgrade Cycles have been longer than they could have & should have been, due to Apple's actions.

i.e., the decision by iPhone owners as to when to upgrade.

From our perspective, Apple gets 90% of the blame, CNBC gets the other 10% of the blame.

Make NO mistake, the so-called Pro Stock Analysts who make a living covering AAPL,
can't be trusted when talking about Apple.

How could they miss something so significant that it would result in Apple leaving more than $100B USD of high-end iPhone revenue "on the table" over the years ?

Specifically, since the release of the 2016 iPhone 7+, Apple's first true high-end iPhone.


News Update : 1 PM (La Jolla-time) Monday, Dec 30, 2024

FYI, we're On Track to Release the next update of Photosets, v11.4, by week's end.

As of today, we are UN-sure if it will include support for Optionally Crafting Pre-Standard ISO 21496-1 JPEGs with Gain Maps from your RGB3x photo files.

The decision to do so OR NOT is more Business Strategy-related than Technical.

And, if we did include it, would many use it ?

Seems to us that the initial target market might ONLY be those, like us, developing a
Next-Gen HDR-enabled JPEG Decoder.

As a reminder, our Next-Gen HDR-enabled JPEG Decoder, which should be completed this week, also decodes RGB3x Lossless 10-bit 422 photo files.

And because of that has the real potential of becoming a De Facto Industry Standard.

On a side note, if Apple's Market Cap of $3.8T USD is truly justified, then (surely) Cosmosent Labs, Inc. should have a Market Cap of $3.8B USD.

We are AFTER ALL, Light Years Ahead of Apple in Burst Photo Technology & Applications support.

Off the Radar of most, but should NOT be.

Also, different subject, if you didn't catch the CNBC story earlier today regarding
China's AI model breakthrough, here's the link:

link to CNBC AI video


News Update : 8 AM (La Jolla-time) Sunday, Dec 29, 2024

FYI, we'll be working on our RGB3x Decoder for a couple of days, perhaps longer.

When completed, we'll be using it to test the capabilities of iPhone & iPad Pro displays.

E.g., can they properly display 10-bit 422 photo content ?

And BTW, when completed, we intend to release a version of our RGB3x Decoder
as a command-line macOS app.


News Update : 5 PM (La Jolla-time) Saturday, Dec 28, 2024

To Gain Main OR NOT to Gain Map ?

That's the gist of what we're currently dealing with WRT the next update of Photosets, v11.4, out soon.

We'll continue to work on our implementation, but we're NOT sure we'll bring it to market.


News Update : 7:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Saturday, Dec 28, 2024

FYI, late yesterday, we were Asked by potential Investors & Corp Partners, to consider pivoting the Base version of Photosets to FREE on a permanent basis.

While we didn't commit to making it a permanent price change, we did pivot it to FREE this morning.

On a side note, WRT crafting JPEGs with HDR Gain Maps from your RGB3x Lossless 10-bit 422 4K60 photo files, which we've hinted support for "may" be included in the next update of Photosets, v11.4, out soon, we "may" decide NOT to go that route.

Our (strong) preference is for a "pure" 10-bit color solution.

Perhaps that's RGB3x with a Lossy Compression option, perhaps it's something else entirely.

Plus, we simply don't understand why the Gain Map "Decision Makers" decided to go with
an 8-bit Greyscale solution.

To us, a 10-bit Greyscale solution would be the much better choice.

Consider this, ONLY Next-Gen HDR-enabled JPEG Decoders are/will-be capable of processing the added HDR Gain Map & associated Metadata.

So why then limit it to ONLY 8 bits ?

Their decision to do so makes NO sense to us !

Are they really worried about the extra storage & BW requirements of an extra byte per 1/4-Res ?

Which for 4K is 2.07 MB per photo.

And that's with NO compression of the Gain Map data.

Consider this 10 bits split across two bytes.

data[9:2], {6'd0, data[1:0]}


data[9:2], {data[1:0], 6'd0}

Depending-upon the capabilities of a User's display, a Next-Gen HDR-enabled JPEG Decoder could choose to read just the upper byte (i.e., most-sig 8 bits), OR both bytes (i.e., ALL 10-bits).

Also, importantly, Apple has been touting that they've been including Greyscale 1/4-Res Gain Maps in iPhone Camera captures for years.

Let's just hope they're 10-bit Gain Maps & NOT 8-bit Gain Maps.

But we doubt it.

Ask yourself, would you be willing to incur a 2.07 MB per photo Storage & BW hit
to (better) future-proof your photos ?

We suspect many, perhaps most, high-end iPhone owners would say yes.


News Update : 4:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Friday, Dec 27, 2024

FYI, we're moving forward with a brand-new Sales Pitch:

How would you like to craft JPEGs with HDR Gain Maps from your 10-bit color RGB3x photo files, & help topple Apple's App Store Monopoly in the process ?

ALL continues to go well, the next update of Photosets, v11.4, out soon, will make it possible.

We intend to make it Crystal Clear to ALL that Apple's App Store Mgmt Team intentionally cheated high-end iPhone owners, AAPL shareholders, & Apple's own cellular service provider partners, out of their respective benefits of the third-party Flagship-caliber Burst Photo Camera Apps.

And that they've done so since the release of the 2016 iPhone 7+, Apple's first true High-Perf iPhone.

And importantly, that iPhone Upgrade Cycles have been longer than they could have & should have been, because of Apple's "stance".

i.e., the decision by iPhone owners as to when to upgrade.

Photos on one end, Videos on the other end, & Burst Photo in the middle.

Apple has done well on the ends, but piss-poor in the middle.

Yet despite that, we cannot tell you the last time Apple Recommended OR Promoted a third-party Flagship-caliber Burst Photo Camera App in their tightly-controlled, "curated" iOS App Store.

And since Apple hasn't been financially harmed by their (Cover Up) Actions, that's legal proof that they do in-deed have a Monopoly.

On a side note, we'd like to point out that we were the first Photo & Video App Dev to realize that Apple has NO so-called App Store Editors covering Photo & Video, & that it's very-likely been Schiller & Fisher making the calls on their own.

When we posted as such, another App Dev who had received UN-deserving Recommendations & Promotions from Apple's App Store then came to the same conclusion, & raised the price of their app from $5.99 USD to $59.99 USD, knowing full-well that Apple very-likely wouldn't create competition for them.

As a reminder, Apple's entire App Store Mgmt Team, Cook, Schiller, Fisher, has NO Engineering OR Software Development experience,
& NO known OR proven "Camera App" Domain/Application/Use-Case expertise.

Go Figure !


News Update : 10 AM (La Jolla-time) Thursday, Dec 26, 2024

FYI, quick update to our Gain Map R&D efforts

1.) We'll be using our M4 iPad Pro with Apple SW to test our 8-bit implementation.

See the Blue checkmarks in the table below.

2.) We intend to develop our own Next-Gen HDR-enabled JPEG Decoder to test our higher-end 10-bit implementation.

See the Red checkmarks in the table below.

3.) We're using Adobe & Google documentation to help guide us.

Among other things, we need to make sure we don't violate any Adobe patents.

Gain Maps, a High-Level Overview

(table last updated 6 AM, Fri, Dec 27, 2024)


8-bit Color

10-bit Color

1/4 Res

Full Res













Will verify via Apple's SW





Will verify via our Next-Gen HDR-enabled JPEG Decoder






(1) It's actually our RGB3x Decoder, which we've been working on,
& which we'll simply (now) enhance to support our JPEG w/ Gain Map efforts.


News Update : 7:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Thursday, Dec 26, 2024

Yesterday, we asked the question:

"Would a 10-bit Full-Res HDR Gain Map be of value to Next-Gen HDR-enabled JPEG Decoders ?"

And we said:

"We assume Yes !"

Today, we're working thru the details to make it happen.

Think RGB3x -to- JPEG w/ that Gain Map !

Photosets currently supports three Transfer Function / Color Space combos that we'll be using as the starting point, each 10-bit 422 4K:

sRGB, HLG (with Rec.2020 color primaries), & Apple Log (with Rec.2020 color primaries)

Please see our News Update of yesterday, including the brand-new table.


News Update : 7 PM (La Jolla-time) Wednesday, Dec 25, 2024

FYI, as promised, we're stepping-up our efforts to Educate both existing & potential New Users of Photosets as to what the app is "now" ALL-about, as well as how-best to quickly master it.

And to do so, we've crafted a brand-new table.

Which BTW, should also make it Easier for us to get User Feedback.

For example, consider this, before stating work on RGB3x-based Lossless 10-bit 422 4K photo capture, we were investigating ISO 21496-1.

It wasn't a good fit for Photosets at the time, but potentially is now.

Would a 10-bit Full-Res HDR Gain Map be of value to Next-Gen HDR-enabled JPEG Decoders ?

We assume Yes !

See the relevant section in the (relevant) table below.


News Update : 8:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Wednesday, Dec 25, 2024

FYI, today we dropped the price of Photosets' ML Super Pro IAP by half, to $4.99 USD.

The Features & Capabilities behind the ML Super Pro IAP are relatively new, & NO ONE has yet purchased the IAP.

We made the change because we believe it will help us prove our point.

i.e., WRT Apple's App Store.

Of ALL the iOS App Devs on this planet, we are in the Most Unique Position.

And BTW, the Base version of Photosets will pivot back to ONE U.S. Buck at midnight tonight.

Two people got it for FREE yesterday.

Should have been downloaded by tens of millions !

And perhaps as many as 50M yesterday (here in the States).

Most simply don't know what Apple has cheated them out of !

And they will continue to NOT know until we are successful making a BIG fuss out it.

It's NOT OK for Apple to suppress third-party innovation just because such innovation makes them look bad.

And since Apple hasn't been financially hurt by their Actions, we can use that to prove that they do in-fact have a Monopoly.

Simply put, their ability to COMPLETELY Control the Narrative is what constitutes a Monopoly.

And BTW, we gonna ask Trump if he would like a Feather in his Hat for assisting us with the Break Up of Apple's App Store.

ALL it would take on his part is to put some visibility on the issue.

i.e., suppression of third-party innovation.

Apple will claim they do NOT have a Duty & a Responsibility to Recommend & Promote the Best Apps, but that won't hold up in the Court of Public Opinion.

And BTW, for those who are UN-aware, for Parents with Young Kids, Burst Photo Camera Apps are ideal for Christmas morning !

Tim Cook should clearly know that, but clearly doesn't !


News Update : 2:30 PM (La Jolla-time) Tuesday, Dec 24, 2024

FYI, one more thing to announce today.

The Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R job for our prototype E90 M3 Lite got delayed till the first week of Jan.

As such, we have some Free Time this week, so we've (just) kicked off R&D work on the next update of Photosets, v11.4.

Among other things, it adds:

i.) Enhancements & Refinements to Photosets' External Shutter support.

ii.) RGB3x Depth Map support.

iii.) Enhancements & Refinements to Photosets' RGB3x -to- ProRes 422HQ Video Maker.


News Update : 7 AM (La Jolla-time) Tuesday, Dec 24, 2024

Two things to announce:

1.) Most of the so-called Pro Stock Analysts who cover AAPL for a living have setup Apple for failure.

And naturally, we're referring to the Over-Hyped Apple Intelligence.

We do NOT believe it will be the Catalyst that Ives & some others believe.

Have you seen Apple's newest TV commercials ?

Apple Mgmt would be wise NOT to show to those Adults !

If they continue to do so Apple will drop $100 USD per share !

i.e., what we believe WRT Apple Intelligence will become Common Knowledge.

Specifically, with the help of certain Analysts, Apple's been able to (significantly) Fool the Street.

But that won't last.

What is Apple's true value ?

Probably $100 USD per share less than where it's currently trading.

It did afterall hit a 52-week of $164 USD early this year just before the Apple Intelligence hype Kicked Into High Gear.

From our perspective, ONLY Camera Apps, of the type that have been Off the Radar of most but which should NOT have been, have any real potential to move the iPhone Unit Sales needle.

i.e., trigger a surge in sales of iPhones.

But that won't happen until either Tim forces Phil out, OR the AAPL Board forces Tim out.

Either one could happen soon.

Once our knowledge becomes Common Knowledge, we predict the AAPL Board won't be too happy with Tim Cook.

And here, we naturally assume Tim hasn't kept the AAPL Board "in the loop" on a very important certain matter.

Make NO mistake, Intel may NOT go down in history as having the ONLY technically incompetent Board.

2.) Happy Holidays, Photosets is FREE, today & tomorrow ONLY.

And ONLY available via the iOS App Store here in the States.

Get it now OR forever hold your peace.


News Update : 5 AM (La Jolla-time) Saturday, Dec 21, 2024

FYI, our plan is to submit the next update of Photosets, v11.3, to App Review by 9 AM or so today.

On a side note, yesterday we reduced the price of the Base version of Photosets, & today we reduced the price of the app's 2x Capture IAP.

We made both moves in preparation for our first-ever Photosets' Marketing & Branding Campaign.


News Update : 4 AM (La Jolla-time) Saturday, Dec 21, 2024

FYI, yesterday we began looking into the possibility of resurrecting our Timmy app as a Poor Man's Congressional Budget Office-like "Estimator App".

We believe it's a great idea, but today we've decided we simply don't have the resources
to work on that right now.

So, we've put it on the back burner.

It is what it is.

As a reminder, Timmy is/was our per-Qtr, per-Device iPhone Unit Sales Estimator App.

It made its debut in the App Store in May of 2018 &, we believe, was at least partially responsible for Apple's decision to announce on Nov 1st of 2018 that they would stop reporting iPhone Unit Sales at future Earnings Calls.

Also as a reminder, just a few days before Apple made that announcement, we discovered what we referred to as the A11/A12 Performance Controller NEON Access Chip Bug, aka "Phil's Bug," which we nicknamed after the guy who runs Apple's App Store, because if he had simply done his job he could have prevented the Chip Bug in the first place.

Upon our Discovery of the Chip Bug, we immediately put the word out to both Apple & the General Public.

Specifically here, we discovered the Chip Bug the day AFTER the 2018 iPhone Xr was released.

The A10 did NOT have the Chip Bug, ONLY the A11 & A12.

Apple fixed the Chip Bug BEFORE releasing the A13.

Subsequent revs of the A11 & A12 very-likely also incorporated the Chip Bug Fix.

BTW, Apple pulled Timmy from its App Store the day BEFORE their BIG iPhone event in Sept of 2019 & gave us a Total BS reason for doing so.

If you want to know why Apple continues to force iPhone owners to use its (piss-poor) Burst mode feature, despite much-better third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps being available in the App Store, we've just given you a couple of reasons.

But more than that, it's due to how much high-end iPhone revenue Apple left on the table because of their "stance" on the third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps.

Something we brought to Apple's attention a few years after our Chip Bug Discovery.

Something they should have figured-out, but clearly never did.


News Update : 5 AM (La Jolla-time) Friday, Dec 20, 2024

Two things to announce:

1.) We're turning up the heat on Apple's App Store.

We were encouraged by 38 Republican members of the House demonstrating Courage yesterday.

i.e., standing up to the Bullying !

The gist of what we're now up to

The App Store NEVER Recommends OR Promotes third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps, so we're gonna get creative, combining Trump TV with CRIT as a means to Drum Up support !

CRIT stands for Center-Right Independent Thinkers, a brand-new Political Party here in the States.

Trump TV is our upcoming Simpsons-like TV series.

We own the iOS rights to Trump Tv.

If we can get CRIT funded, we'll gift Trump TV to it.

2.) We've pivoted the Base version of Photosets back to its regular price.

NO ONE took advantage of the discounted pricing yesterday.

Also, we've Dropped the Price of the 2x Capture IAP by half.


News Update : 10 AM (La Jolla-time) Thursday, Dec 19, 2024

Two things to announce:

1.) We've (temporarily) Dropped the Price of the Base version of Photosets to the Bare Min, $0.29 USD.

NOT Rocket Science, to get CRIT off the ground, we're gonna need to sacrifice (the value of) the Base version of Photosets.

How long is anybody's guess.

And BTW, we won't be mentioning the Price Drop on X/Twitter OR elsewhere, just here.

2.) We've updated the Parts List Table for the Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R job
on our prototype 2006 BMW E90 M3 Lite.

We were hoping to have that job done this week, but now next week at the earliest.

It's a 2.5-day job.

Please see the table at the bottom of this webpage.

As a reminder, when completed & we can verify the Oil Consumption issue is behind us, we'll immediately pivot to working on the custom camshafts, which are at the core of our E90 M3 Lite efforts.

ALL goes well, we'll (soon) be taking on Porsche, BMW, & Mercedes !

The key selling points will be:

NO Oil Consumption issues.

i.e., due to new Valve Stem Oil Seals, the ONE part every N52 needs at 200K miles.

Custom Intake & Exhaust Camshafts (11 mm lift / 268-degree duration)

245 HP at 6250

230 lb-ft at 2750

Best In Class Steering Feedback

i.e., incorporates BMW's highly-prized Hydraulic-assist power steering.

Curb Weight < 3300 lbs

50/50 weight distribution

4.9 sec 0-60 time with a 6-speed manual

1/4-mile time TBD


News Update : 10:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Wednesday, Dec 18, 2024

Two more things to announce:

1.) Starting today we will NO longer refer to Apple as BIG Tech.

Starting today we will refer to them as BIG Marketing.

We believe that more-accurately describes a Tim Cook-led Apple.

And a Phil Schiller-led App Store.

2.) Today, we're Kicking Off a brand-new Marketing Campaign:

What percentage of iPhone owners would be "Enthusiastically" using third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps if they (ONLY) knew that some are UN-Discovered Gems ?

40% ?, 50% ?

We intend to put some real visibilty on Apple's native Burst mode feature.

And how it compares & contrasts with our Photosets.

The gist, Apple believes they don't have a Duty & Responsibility to Recommend & Promote the Best Apps.

To our mutual customers, NO less.

That "may" be true in the Court of Law, but won't hold up in the Court of Public Opinion, which has the potential to Affect an Outcome significantly faster.

We don't want to take Apple to court, takes too long, we just want Apple to Fess Up to the Cover Up.


News Update : 5 AM (La Jolla-time) Wednesday, Dec 18, 2024

FYI, quick update to our earlier News Update.

We just want to make it Crystal Clear to ALL that Apple's intentional suppression of third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps has "cheated" Young Females who live along the coast out-of-using such apps for what is clearly their preferred Burst Photo Use-Case.

i.e., capturing themselves & their friends at the beach.

As a reminder, Apple's intentional suppression of third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps has resulted, by our count, in Apple leaving $113B+ USD of high-end iPhone revenue "on the table" over the years.

Mostly, we believe, due to Technical Incompetence & Market Opportunity Ignorance.

And here we're referring to iPhone Upgrade Cycles being longer than they could have OR should have been.

i.e., the decision by iPhone owners as to when to upgrade.


News Update : 4 AM (La Jolla-time) Wednesday, Dec 18, 2024

FYI, we've been Asked & have Agreed, to specify the strategy we'll be using to prove a certain company does in-deed have a Monopoly.

It comes down to whether a company was financially hurt by their actions.

We can prove that the company in question was NOT.

In fact, they are approaching an ALL-time-high Market Cap of $4T USD.

(table last updated 10:30 AM, Wed, Dec 18, 2024)


Capture OR Record Mode

a Single Photo

a Burst of Photos


a Video

% of


40% Min.


(1) Typical Use-Cases include capturing Kids, Pets, Sports, & Wildlife,
& if you live along the coast like us here in San Diego,
you know the #1 Use-Case is Young Females capturing themselves
& their friends along the shoreline (i.e., at the beach).

And BTW, with the release of Photosets v11.3,
Drone Detection may soon become another Typical Use-Case.


News Update : 8 PM (La Jolla-time) Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024

FYI, we've updated the parts list table for the Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R job on our prototype E90 M3 Lite.

See the table at the bottom of this webpage.

As a reminder, if/when we can prove the Oil Consumption issue is resolved, we'll then move-on to the custom camshafts, which are at the core of our E90 M3 Lite efforts.


News Update : 6 PM (La Jolla-time) Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024

FYI, we plan to submit the next update of Photosets, v11.3,
to Apple App Review by this time tomorrow.


BREAKING NEWS : 5 PM (La Jolla-time) Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024

FYI, it just hit us, we ONLY need to convince one person, President-elect Trump, that Apple's App Store does in-deed represent a Monopoly.

And BTW, we have ALL the Ammo (i.e., relevant data points) we need to make our case.


News Update : 3 PM (La Jolla-time) Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024

FYI, we've decided that Education will be key to convincing Lawmakers of our claims.

And, we're starting with the Basics.

The gist, Apple has done well on the ends, but piss-poor in the middle.

Yet, despite that, they clearly have suppressed knowledge of much better third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps.

i.e., by NEVER Recommending OR Promoting ANY.

How Photosets compares to Apple's native iOS Camera App

Here we present our Subjective Grades.

(table last updated 11 AM, Tues, Dec 17, 2024)

Camera App

Capture OR Record Mode

a Single Photo

a Burst of Photos


a Video

Burst Photo
Camera App





native iOS
Camera App





(1) Preferably with High-Precision Timing;
Photosets supports it, Apple's native iOS Camera App does NOT.

(2) Preferably with Long Press Shutter support controlling a User-defined circular buffer;
Photosets supports it, Apple's native iOS Camera App does NOT.

(3) Simply needs some UI Refinements to score higher; we're working on it.

And BTW, we would grade-out Photosets' low-level code implemention as a solid A !

There's always room for alittle improvement.

(4) Too much post-processing on Apple's part.


News Update : 8 AM (La Jolla-time) Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024

Two things to announce today:

First, a Heads Up on the what's new for the next update of Photosets, v11.3, out soon:

Expands Photosets' 10-bit 422 4K60 Lossless Burst Photo Capture to ALSO support an iPhone's (Back) Wide 2x & Telephoto cameras.

With v11.2, it's ONLY an iPhone's (Back) Wide camera.

Note that this is the Key Enhancement that enables Photosets to be used for Drone Detection purposes.

Adds support optionally crafting 10-bit ProRes 422HQ 4K60 videos during 10-bit 422 4K60 Lossless Burst Photo Capture.

With v11.2, it's a two-step process, first Capture, then Making the Video.

Up-to "60" photos/set of 10-bit 422 4K60 Lossless Burst Photo Capture for those with the 2x Capture IAP.

With v11.2, it's code-limited to "45" photos/set with the 2x Capture IAP.

Second, while Photosets could have & should have become a mainstream Burst Photo Camera App in Apple's App Store, that would have required Apple to Recommend & Promote it.

But that would have required Apple to Fess Up to the third-party Burst Photo Camera App Cover Up.

Something they've (clearly) been reluctant to do.

Even though, by our count, it's cost them $100B+ USD of high-end iPhone revenue over the years.

i.e., due to iPhone Upgrade Cycles being longer than they could have & should have been.

i.e., the decision by iPhone owners as to when to upgrade.

We Ask you to Ask yourself ...

When was the last time Apple's App Store Recommended OR Promoted
a Third-Party Burst Photo Camera App ?

It's been so many years we do NOT know the answer to that !

Perhaps someone else does.


News Update : 8 PM (La Jolla-time) Monday, Dec 16, 2024

FYI, one more thing to add, we want to point out that Apple has three "Pro" iPhones that could be a very good fit for Drone Detection purposes, the 15PM, 16P, & 16PM.

Each has a 5x (Back) Telephoto camera.

Please see the last table on our Photosets User Guide webpage for how they fit into the mix.


News Update : 7:30 PM (La Jolla-time) Monday, Dec 16, 2024

FYI, we've been Asked & have Agreed, to Field Test & Report-Back on Photosets' v11.3 "Drone Detection" features & capabilities before releasing the update.

See the relevant News Updates on our News webpage for background.


News Update : 12 Noon (La Jolla-time) Monday, Dec 16, 2024

It's becoming Crystal Clear to us that Apple is being setup for failure by some of the so-called Pro Stock Analysts who cover AAPL for a living.

And naturally, we're referring to the over-hyped Apple Intelligence set of features as the main reason.

Expectations for it are being set way too high by some of AAPL Analysts.

On a side note, today we figured-out how to significantly drive down energy costs across the board.

Let the Power Generation Industry build up its infrastructure for AI, & then simply let AI Fizzle Out.

The net result would be a significantly greater supply of Power than what demand would call for !


News Update : 6:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Monday, Dec 16, 2024

Four things to announce today:

1.) As we first stated yesterday, we're 100% convinced Apple has NO In House expertise in Burst Photo Technology & Applications support.

If they did, we would NOT have been able to Leapfrog them years ago.

OR again more-recently, with Photosets' 10-bit 422 4K60 Lossless Burst Photo Capture (added in v10.31) & companion 10-bit ProRes 422HQ 4K60 Video Maker (added in v11.2).

2.) We plan to devote most of our Time & Energy this week to the next update of Photosets, v11.3.

We're On Track to release it by Friday !

3.) We plan to devote a portion of our Time & Energy this week to our prototype E90 M3 Lite.

It's scheduled for its Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R job later this week.

We're responsible for selecting & obtaining ALL the parts for the job.

We've received most of them & the rest are on their way.

As a reminder, we plan to produce & offer (to the General Public) E90 M3 Lite sports sedans with Cosmosent Labs, Inc. branding.

4.) We plan to devote a portion of our Time & Energy this week to turning up the heat on Apple's App Store Mgmt Team.

Over the weekend we discovered what we believe to be a new clause in the Apple Dev Prog Lic Agreement, which we're convinced is an attempt by Apple to try to CYA.

i.e., WRT Our Story & Our Claims.

News Update : 11 AM (La Jolla-time) Sunday, Dec 15, 2024

Four more things to announce today:

1.) We're 100% convinced Apple has NO In House expertise in Burst Photo Technology & Applications support.

If they did, we would NOT have been able to Leapfrog them years ago.

OR again more-recently, with Photosets' 10-bit 422 4K60 Lossless Burst Photo Capture (added in v10.31) & companion 10-bit ProRes 422HQ 4K60 Video Maker (added in v11.2).

2.) We've been Asked & have Agreed, to specify precisely why we believe the next update of Photosets, v11.3, will shake-up the industry.

Simply put, it builds-up v11.2, which should have been App of the Year !

Specifically, v11.3 adds support for:

Using an iPhone's (Back) Wide 2x & Telephoto cameras with Photosets' 10-bit capture.

With v11.2, ONLY an iPhone's (Back) Wide camera is supported with Photosets' 10-bit capture.

This opens-up the possibility of Photosets being used for, among other things, "Drone Detection" purposes.

Making 10-bit ProRes 422HQ 4K60 videos "during capture".

With v11.2 it's a two-step process.

Up-to "60" photos/set of 10-bit 422 4K capture "with the 2x Capture IAP".

With v11.2 the limit is "45" photos/set.

3.) Apple has Full Control of App Store Ratings & provides NO transparency to App Devs.

We tried to get that fixed, but the Judge presiding over the Class Action Lawsuit case of a few years ago stated that our Objection was "without Merit".

She was / is simply wrong.

And BTW, we were the ONLY App Dev to "officially" Object to that Class Action Lawsuit.

Which BTW, gives us certain rights that most other U.S. App Devs gave up !

4.) Our prototype E90 M3 Lite is On Track for its Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R job later this week.

We're now waiting on one final set of parts (i.e., the Intake Valve Springs) to be delivered before dropping the car off at the Auto Shop.


BREAKING NEWS : 9 AM (La Jolla-time) Sunday, Dec 15, 2024

We noticed something new ? in the latest App Dev Prog Lic Agreement, that appears to be a CYA attempt on Apple's part, & strictly for the Court of Law.

It appears to be brand-new & (we believe) very-likely in response to Our Story & our Claims.

And importantly, we predict it will Backfire in the Court of Public Opinion.

We've always believed, & we're 100% convinced that most iPhone owners have also always believed, that Apple has both a Duty & a Responsibility to Recommend & Promote the Best Apps.

And that it's irrespective of whether such apps might may make Apple look bad.

E.g., for having been Leapfrogged in a particular Camera Technology & Solution.

Those interested simply need to do a search for "Discoverability" in the relevant doc.


News Update : 9:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Saturday, Dec 14, 2024

Two things to announce today:

1.) We've delayed the release of the next update of Photosets, v11.3, till Monday.

In addition to what we've already announced, we're now in the process of enhancing Photosets' Burst Photo Capture Engine so that the 2x Capture IAP will apply to both 8-bit & 10-bit capture.

i.e., up-to "60" photos/set for both cases (starting with v11.3) !

With v11.2, the app's RGB3x 10-bit 422 4K Lossless Burst Photo Capture is code-limited to "45" photos/set (with the 2x Capture IAP).

2.) We're now "almost" Good to Go for the Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R job on our prototype E90 M3 Lite.

We need to order one more part.


News Update : 6:30 PM (La Jolla-time) Friday, Dec 13, 2024

FYI, we're now Good to Go for the Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R job on our prototype E90 M3 Lite's N52 engine.

Once that job is completed (late next week) & we can confirm the engine's Oil Consumption issue is behind us, we'll immediately move onto the next phase, our custom 11 mm / 268 degree camshafts.

We're inching closer to something that BMW never produced & offered, but absolutely should have !

Final Parts List for the Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R Job

(table last updated 6:30 PM, Fri, Dec 13, 2024)


325i / 330i




F82 / F83




Valve Cover Gasket Kit





Valve Stem
Oil Seals

5mm seals


Valve Stem
Oil Seals

6 mm seals





Valve Spring

($24.49 x 12)

Valve Spring

($18.99 x 12)




Timing Chain Kit



VANOS Sprocket Bolt

($6.39 x 2)

Timing Chain Guide

($1.79 x 2)

Timing Chain Guide
Bearing Bolt


Timing Chain Guide
Bearing Bolt


Crankshaft Sprocket



BREAKING NEWS : 11:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Friday, Dec 13, 2024

It works !

We've expanded Photosets' recently-added 10-bit 422 4K60 Lossless Burst Photo Capture support so that it can potentially ALSO be used for "Drone Detector" purposes.

i.e., we've added support for an iPhone's (Back) Wide 2x & Telephoto cameras.

This enhancement will be released in the next update of Photosets, v11.3,
which should be out tomorrow.


BREAKING NEWS : 10:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Friday, Dec 13, 2024

FYI, today we're looking into whether Photosets' recently-added 10-bit 422 4K60 Lossless Burst Photo Capture support can be enhanced so that it can ALSO be used for "Drone Detector" purposes.

Specifically, we'd simply need to expand support for the feature to ALSO use an iPhone's
(Back) 2x Wide & Telephoto cameras.

Currently, Photosets' 10-bit capture support ONLY works with an iPhone's (Back) Wide camera.

If ALL goes well today, we'll include this as part of Photosets v11.3, out tomorrow ?

And importantly, follow-up with a $1M USD grant request to the Biden administration to investigate "the feasibility" of using Photosets on a "Pro" iPhone as a "Drone Detector".


News Update : 9:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Friday, Dec 13, 2024

FYI, one more thing to announce today.

Photosets v11.2 was released on Dec 2nd, which provided plenty of time for Apple to evaluate it & consider it for App of the Year.

Whether they did evaluate it and/or consider it, is a complete UN-known to us.

We suspect NOT.

Apple, after ALL, has Full Control & User Ratings & Reviews, & with NO transparency to App Devs.

The significance of that should NOT be under-estimated by anyone.

And BTW, Apple has a known history of providing "UN-Deserving Favoritism"
to at-least one App Dev company.

NOT Rocket Science, that's very-likely Crystal Clear to most Photo & Video App Devs.

In other words, Apple had already made their mind up.

On a side note, we do want to add that if/when Tim replaces Phil, the App Store will experience
its first-ever Renaissance Period.

But until then, stuck in the Dark Ages.


News Update : 8:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Friday, Dec 13, 2024

Two things to announce today:

1.) The next update of Photosets, v11.3, could be out tomorrow.

Among other things, it adds support for making 10-bit ProRes 422HQ 4K videos, up-to 60 fps, during RGB3x Burst Photo Capture.

With v11.2 it's a two-step process.

2.) We've decided to move forward with our custom camshafts in two stages, first the Exhaust camshaft, followed-up by the Intake camshaft.

This will enable us to Dyno Test between stages.

As a reminder, this is related to our E90 M3 Lite efforts.

And BTW, we've pivoted back to thinking we will sell both the Intake & Exhaust camshafts on the open market.

That will be in addition to offering a Turn Key install solution here in San Diego.

On a side note, we want to state up-front that we fully expect to receive some flake from BMW, Apple, & Tesla, for our E90 M3 Lite efforts.

BMW for NOT having produced & offered what we're "now" up to, Apple for having spent $10B USD on their Apple Car & having nothing to show for it, & Tesla for NOT having developed a version of their EVs with something similar to BMW's highly-prized Hydraulic-assist power steering.

As a reminder, OR for those who are UN-aware, BMW's 2006-2008 E90 sedans are UN-Discovered Gems.

Except by those who actually have one, that is.


News Update : 9 PM (La Jolla-time) Thursday, Dec 12, 2024

FYI, one more important update regarding our prototype E90 M3 Lite.

As a reminder, OR for those who are UN-aware,
it's our custom 11 mm / 268-degree camshafts that will make it special.

Timing Chain-related parts

(table last updated 9 PM, Thurs, Dec 12, 2024)


325i / 330i




F82 / F83




Timing Chain


Timing Chain Guide


Timing Chain
Slide Rail


Timing Chain


Timing Chain Guide

($1.79 x2)

Timing Chain Guide
Bearing Bolt


Timing Chain Guide
Bearing Bolt


Crankshaft Sprocket


The total cost for the parts listed in the table is $400.01 (FCP Euro).


News Update : 10 AM (La Jolla-time) Thursday, Dec 12, 2024

FYI, UN-like Apple's Apple Car, our E90 M3 Lite isn't just fantasy.

It's happening here & now !

i.e., this week & next.

Except for the custom Intake & Exhaust Camshafts, which are NOT yet ready to go,
here is the complete parts list for the Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R job:

Note that as of today we assume we have Exhaust valves with a 5 mm shaft dia.,
but won't know for sure until Monday.

i.e., until we can actually measure one of the Exhaust valves.

(table last updated 11 AM, Thurs, Dec 12, 2024)


325i / 330i




F82 / F83




Valve Stem Oil Seals

5 mm seals






Valve Spring

5 mm


($24.49 x24)

Valve Cover Gasket Kit





Timing Chain Kit



VANOS Sprocket Bolt


($6.39 x2)

Total parts cost is $992.68

(1) For valves with a 5 mm shaft dia.

(2) We need 24x of these, so $24.49 x 24 = $587.76.

(3) The manufacturer is Iwis.

ALL the other parts are Geniune BMW parts.

(4) We need 2x of these, so $6.39 x 2 = $12.78.


News Update : 8 AM (La Jolla-time) Thursday, Dec 12, 2024

Two more things to announce today:

1.) Photosets v11.3, out soon, adds support for making 10-bit ProRes 422HQ 4K videos, up-to 60 fps, during RGB3x Burst Photo Capture.

With v11.2 it's a two-step process.

But that's NOT all, it's really the app's Long Press Shutter controlling a User-defined Circular Buffer, combined with the upcoming auto Video Maker support, that will make Photosets extra special.

As a reminder, RGB3x refers to 10-bit 422 Lossless burst photos captured with High-Precision Timing.

2.) As we first stated yesterday, our prototype E90 M3 Lite could soon become "the catalyst" for Photosets soon becoming the De Facto Smartphone Industry solution in Burst Photo Technology & Applications support.

And if/when that happens, it would represent one of the more Unique & Innovative ways to circumvent Apple's "Stranglehold on App Discovery" in their App Store.

And BTW, Apple spent $10B USD on their Apple Car & has nothing to show for it.

We'll be spending a tiny fraction of that & will have something very significant to show for it !


BREAKING NEWS : 4:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Thursday, Dec 12, 2024

Apple got it wrong again this year with their iPhone App of the Year pick !

To us, their pick can best be described as being due to "UN-deserving Favoritism" !

And, importantly, we believe, ANYONE can independently verify that.

Ask yourself ...

Should a guy with NO Engineering OR Software Development experience & NO known OR proven "Camera App" Domain/Application/Use-Case expertise be running the App Store ?

If you said "Yes, I'm OK with that," we'll, that describes Phil Schiller, the guy who runs Apple's App Store.

Who BTW, because of "his" Technical Incompetence, is directly responsible for iPhone Upgrade Cycles being longer than they could have & should have been over the years.

i.e., the decision by iPhone owners as to when to upgrade.

And the net result, Apple has left many, many billions of mostly high-end iPhone revenue
on the table over the years.

And specifically here, we're referring to the timeperiod since the release of the 2016 iPhone 7+,
Apple's first "true" High-Perf iPhone.

Photos on one end, Videos on the other end, & Burst Photos, preferably captured with High-Precision Timing, in the middle.

Apple has done well on the ends but piss-poor in the middle.

As such, & because Apple is afraid to admit to the General Public that they Dropped the Ball WRT Burst Photo Technology & Applications support & have been Leapfrogged by third-parties, iPhone owners have missed-out on an entire set of Domains/Applications/Use-Cases that simply can't be addressed by single photo OR video capture.

By intentionally suppressing third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps Apple has prevented Enthusiasm for such Domains/Applications/Use-Cases from gaining traction with (mostly) high-end iPhone owners.

If they had NOT done that many high-end iPhone owners would have upgraded at a faster pace, year by year.

On a side note, we think there is something wrong with Tim Cook.

The Cover Up has now been going on for years.

The Hole that Apple dug themselves into has been getting Deeper year by year.


News Update : 8:30 PM (La Jolla-time) Wednesday, Dec 11, 2024

FYI, the plot thickens.

We're continuing to research valvetrain options for our prototype E90 M3 Lite.

Because it has a production date of 9/15/2005 its N52 probably has Exhaust valves with a 5 mm stem diameter.

But that's NOT a certainty.

We won't know for sure until the valve cover comes off & the stem diameter of one of the Exhaust values is measured.

Valve Spring comparison

(table last updated 9 AM, Thurs, Dec 12, 2024)

Part Number

325i / 330i




F82 / F83

















(1) For Intake & Exhaust valves with a 5 mm stem diameter.

NO issues with Intake valves, ALL ? BMW are 5 mm,
but ONLY for use with Exhaust valves with a 5 mm stem diameter.

Some early N52 engines have Exhaust valves with a 5 mm stem diameter.

Later N52 engines & ALL ? S55 engines,
have Exhaust valves with a 6 mm stem diameter.

(2) For Exhaust valves with a 6 mm stem diameter.

(3) S55 vs. N52

S55 Intake valves: 32 mm head dia, 104.9 mm length, 4.97 mm stem dia.
S55 Exhaust valves: 28 mm head dia, 112.9 mm length, 5.96 mm stem dia.

N52 Intake valves: 34.2 mm head dia, 104.5 mm length, 5 mm stem dia.
N52 Exhaust valves: 29.0 mm head dia, 110.6 mm length, 5 mm OR 6 mm stem dia.

Valve Stem Oil Seal comparison

(table last updated 9 AM, Thurs, Dec 12, 2024)

Part Number

325i / 330i




F82 / F83





5 mm seals







5 mm seals



6 mm seals



(1) Set for 2006 BMW N52 engines,
& ONLY for those with Exhaust valves with a 5 mm stem dia.


News Update : 1 PM (La Jolla-time) Wednesday, Dec 11, 2024

FYI, one more thing to announce today.

We simply want to point out that Photosets' 2x Capture IAP has significantly more value to Users who ALSO use the app's integrated 60-scene, Short-Form Video Maker.

Users who ONLY use the app's High-Precision Timing Burst Photo Capture Engine, & who do NOT prioritize the app's 4K60 capture support, do NOT need it.

It's more of a nice-to-have for such Users.

If 4K60 capture is important to you, we highly-recommend you seriously consider it.


News Update : 12 Noon (La Jolla-time) Wednesday, Dec 11, 2024

FYI, some interesting news to announce regarding our prototype E90 M3 Lite.

The valve springs (11347523971) used in its N52 are also used in the following BMW vehicles:

2015-2018 M3, 2015-2020 M4, & 2019-2021 M2

Once we discovered that earlier this morning, we added valve springs back to the Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R job, sch'd for Monday.

Adds $600+ USD of parts cost to the job, but now worth it.

See our News Update of 9 PM yesterday for some background on what our primary concern had been.

And BTW, the product date for our prototype E90 M3 Lite was 9/15/2005.

Our Founder has driven it as his "Daily Driver" since Oct of 2005.

A good number of Performance parts have been added to it over the past 1-2 years, but NONE to the Engine.

If the Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R job resolves the existing Oil Consumption problem, then we'll be Good to Go with the custom Intake & Exhaust Camshafts.

i.e., 11 mm lift / 268 degree duration on both Intake & Exhaust.

Otherwise, we'll need to re-evaluate.

On a Side Note, if ALL goes well, our E90 M3 Lite could soon become the catalyst for Photosets soon becoming the De Facto Smartphone Industry solution in Burst Photo Technology & Applications support.

Could go down in history as one of the more Unique & Innovative strategies for circumventing Apple's stranglehold on App Discovery in their App Store monopoly.


BREAKING NEWS : 8 AM (La Jolla-time) Wednesday, Dec 11, 2024

FYI, Trump's pick of Andrew Ferguson to lead the FTC is a Game Changer !

We will soon present him with the details of Our Story so that he is Ready to Go on Day One !

And BTW, today Apple gave us another relevant & important data point for our cause.

We do find it interesting, however, that Apple tried to bury that data point by also announcing ChatGPT integration with Siri on the same day.

Make NO Mistake, it's now just a matter of time before Apple's App Store monopoly is broken up !

Hopefully, we'll get Credit for Playing a Major Part in making it happen.

Do NOT be surprised if both Tim Cook & Phil Schiller are forced-out by the AAPL Board within the first six months of CY2025.

Cover Ups always get people in trouble !


News Update : 9 PM (La Jolla-time) Tuesday, Dec 10, 2024

FYI, one more thing to announce today before closing shop for the day.

We've delayed the Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R job for our prototype E90 M3 Lite till Monday.

The job will cost ~$3,300 USD, $3K USD for Labor & ~$330 USD for parts.

And, we've decided NOT to include new stock valve springs with the job.

The parts list now includes ONLY what's absolutely necessary.

And BTW, the ONLY valve springs available for a 2006 N52 are the stock Geniune BMW ones, priced at ~$25 USD each, so ~$600 USD for a set of 24.

If they were higher-perf than stock, the decision to include them would be easy.

But since they aren't, it isn't.

It's a coin toss.

Ideally, we'd be adding slightly-higher-perf valve springs now that would be a better fit for our upcoming slightly-higher-perf Intake & Exhaust Camshafts.

(table last updated 11:30 AM, Sat, Dec 7, 2024)

















Cosmosent camshafts





at 6250

at 2750







+ 5-10

+ 5-10







325i: 215
at 6250

328i 230
at 6500

325i: 185
at 2750

328i 200
at 2750



News Update : 10 AM (La Jolla-time) Tuesday, Dec 10, 2024

FYI, a few more things to announce today, related to our earlier Breaking News:

1.) Apple's App Store Mgmt Team, consisting of Cook, Schiller, & Fisher, (combined) has NO Engineering OR Software Development experience, & NO known OR proven "Camera App" Domain/Application/Use-Case expertise.

2.) Apple acquired a Burst Photo Camera App company more than a decade ago, leveraged its NEON-based JPEG implementation, & then promptly Dropped the Ball WRT the BIG picture.

i.e., they never enhanced their native Burst mode feature OR developed a dedicated native Burst Photo Camera App.

3.) Upon the release of the 2016 iPhone 7+, Photosets had Leapfrogged Apple's native Burst mode feature by at-least two orders of magnitude.

4.) Apple very-likely has NO so-called App Store Editors covering the Photo & Video category, the one category in the App Store we know extremely well.

We believe it has been Phil and/or Matt making the calls on their own.

5.) The day AFTER the 2018 iPhone Xr was released in late-Oct 2018 we discovered a Chip Bug, one that we call the "A11/A12 Performance Controller NEON Access Chip Bug," aka "Phil's Bug," which we nicknamed after Schiller because if he had simply done his job he could have prevented the Chip Bug in the first place.

Please note that Apple fixed the Chip Bug BEFORE the release of the A13 chip.

Please also note that a few days AFTER our Chip Bug Discovery, Apple announced at their 4Q18 Earnings Call that they would NO longer report iPhone Unit Sales.

As such, & because we had a 2nd app in the App Store at the time & which we had launched in May of 2018, Timmy, the planet's ONLY per-Qtr, per-Device iPhone Unit Sales Estimator App, one of our goals for a Class Action Lawsuit is to force Apple to disclose the per-Qtr iPhone Unit Sales, starting with their 1Q19 fiscal qtr, & up-to present day.

We think it's ONLY fair for Apple to do so.


BREAKING NEWS : 9 AM (La Jolla-time) Tuesday, Dec 10, 2024

FYI, our (potential) $11.3B USD Class Action Lawsuit against Apple for the intentional suppression of third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps is inching forward.

Specifically, for cheating App Devs, high-end iPhone owners, AAPL shareholders, & Apple's own cellular service provider partners, out of their respective benefits of such apps.

Photos on one end, Videos on the other end, & Burst Photos, preferably captured with High-Precision Timing, in the middle.

Apple has done well on the ends, but piss-poor in the middle.

In fact, Apple's native Burst mode feature is perhaps Apple's worst-ever Camera feature.

And because of that, few, if ANY, ever use it.

Yet, there are much better third-party apps in the App Store.

Apple's "stance" on third-party Burst Photo Camera Apps has cost Apple, by our count, $113B USD in lost high-end iPhone revenue, due to the fact that iPhone Upgrade Cycles have been longer than they could have & should have been.

i.e., the decision by iPhone owners as to when to upgrade.

Also, as we stated just yesterday, the $11.3B USD number represents one-tenth of the high-end iPhone revenue we estimate Apple left on the table, starting from the release of the 2016 iPhone 7+ & ending on April 4, 2023, when we intentionally stopped analyzing the issue.


News Update : 3:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Tuesday, Dec 10, 2024

Cosmosent Labs, Inc., the leader in smartphone Burst Photo Technology & Applications support, is today announcing that the company has prioritized developing & publishing a set of new App Notes on how to Use & Master Photosets' Multi-Scene, Short-Form Video Maker.

As a Heads Up, the Promo we're now using in the App Store is:

Did you know that Photosets is the ONLY Camera App on the planet with an
integrated 60-scene, Short-Form Video Maker ?

It's just one of the app's many UN-Discovered Gems.

The gist, rather than focus our Marketing efforts on the app's High-Precision Timing Burst Photo Capture Engine, we're gonna focus it on the app's Video Maker support instead.

As a reminder, OR for those who are UN-aware, as of Photosets v11.2 the app now has two integrated Video Makers, one for 8-bit 420 content & one for 10-bit 422 content.

The 8-bit 420 Video Maker supports H.264 & HEVC encoding.

The 10-bit 422 Video Maker supports ProRes 422HQ encoding.

The (code for the) 8-bit 420 Video Maker is "shared" between the app's 60-scene Video Maker (accessible via the app's Home View) & the app's On-the-Fly Video Maker (accessible via the app's Camera Settings dialog).

The 10-bit 422 Video Maker, added in v11.2, is accessible via the app's Home View.

How Photosets' Video Makers compare

The important thing to know is that its Photosets' High-Precision Timing Burst Photo Capture Engine
that makes it ALL possible.

(table last updated 10:30 AM, Tues, Dec 10, 2024)


Video Maker

8-bit 420

10-bit 422







10-bit 422



8-bit 420


(1) Produces 8-bit H.264 or HEVC videos from 8-bit 420 JPEG/HEIC Burst Photos.

Optionally adds concurrently captured Audio data.

(2) Produces 10-bit ProRes 422HQ videos from 10-bit 422 Lossless Burst Photos.

Added in Photosets v11.2.


News Update : 10:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Monday, Dec 9, 2024

FYI, if we do move forward with a Class Action Lawsuit against Apple, the number will be $11.3B USD, one-tenth of the high-end iPhone revenue we estimate Apple "left on the table" (because of their "stance" on Photosets & the other ? Flagship-caliber Burst Photo Camera Apps).

i.e., due to iPhone Upgrade Cycles being longer than they could have & should have been.

i.e., the decision by iPhone owners as to when to upgrade.

Few know how much Tim & Phil cost Apple's top line numbers of the years.


News Update : 10 AM (La Jolla-time) Monday, Dec 9, 2024

FYI, one more thing to announce today.

The Business Strategy we're now taking with our BMW N52 intake & exhaust camshafts is similar to the one we've taken with Photosets.

Specifically, one that simply attempts to maximize the intrinsic value.

Photosets, like BMW's 2006-2008 E90 N52 sedans, can best be described as an UN-Discovered Gem.

It is the best app in its category, & is Light Years Ahead of the competition, including Apple's own native Burst mode feature.

Yet, Photosets has gone nowhere in Tim Cook's App Store.

why is that ?

Has nothing to do with the app.

From our perspective, it's due to a mix of Technical Incompetence & Insecurity on Apple's part.

As a reminder, the man who runs Apple's App Store, Phil Schiller, has NO Engineering OR Software Development experience, & NO known OR proven Camera App Domain/Application/Use-Case expertise.

Which BTW, also holds true for Tim Cook.

More than a decade ago, Apple acquired the company behind the SnappyCam Burst Photo Camera App, leveraged the custom NEON-based JPEG implementation from it, & then simply Dropped the Ball WRT the BIG picture.

i.e., they didn't develop their own Burst Photo Camera App, which we fully expected them to do.

As a reminder, OR for those who are UN-aware, Photosets was initially an iPad-ONLY Burst Photo Editor, intended to be a companion to Apple's Burst Photo Camera App.

i.e., the one they never developed.

Six months after the release of the 2015 iPhone 6s & 6s+, we added a first-cut of Photosets'
High-Precision Timing Burst Photo Capture support.

Didn't take us long to figure-out that we had Leapfrogged Apple, & it was then that we Kicked Off an aggressive R&D Campaign to Enhance & Refine Photosets' Camera support.

Upon the release of the 2016 iPhone 7+, Photosets became a
rare, true Flagship-caliber Burst Photo Camera App.

But we didn't stop there, we made many hundreds of Enhancements & Refinements since then, as reflected in the high number of App Review Approvals Photosets has received from Apple over the years.

But that's NOT the whole story

A few years ago we did some Analysis on how much high-end iPhone revenue Apple left on the table because of their "stance" on Photosets.

The gist, iPhone Upgrade Cycles have been longer than they could have & should have been.

i.e., the decision by iPhone owners as to when to upgrade.

If iPhone owners, & especially high-end iPhone owners, had known about Photosets, some, perhaps many, would have upgraded sooner than they have.

And we're NOT just talking a single upgrade, we're talking repeated.

By our count Apple left $113B USD of high-end iPhone revenue on the table, staring at the release of the 2016 iPhone 7+, & ending on April 4th of last year, when we intentionally stopped analyzing the issue.

Click on the graph to view its 4K Res version.

The difference between the Orange line & the Burgundy line represents (our estimate of) the high-end iPhone revenue Apple "left on the table," due to iPhone Upgrade Cycles being longer than they could have & should have been.

Tim & Phil get ALL the blame !


BREAKING NEWS : 9 AM (La Jolla-time) Monday, Dec 9, 2024

FYI, we're NO longer planning to offer our BMW N52 camshafts on the Open Market.

Instead, we're now looking at keeping them In House, & will use them to produce our own line of E90 M3 Lite sports sedans.

Also, just so it's Crystal Clear to ALL, our starting point for each will be either
a 2006 BMW 325i sedan OR a 2007-2008 BMW 328i sedan.

i.e., ONLY the E90 N52 sedans with BMW's highly-prized Hydraulic-assist power steering.

And ideally most with BMW's 6-speed manual transmission.

Just like our 2006 BMW 325i prototype with 214K miles,
which our Founder has driven as his "Daily Driver" since Oct 2005.

And BTW, the Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R job is planned for later this week.

The camshafts are NOT yet ready & will need to be installed at a later date.

But it was the urgency for the Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R job that prompted us to evaluate the financial benefits of having the camshafts.

Simply put, having the camshafts enables us to produce our own line of sports sedans.

And NOT just any sports sedan, an E90 M3 Lite, something BMW should have produced & offered but NEVER did.

Also BTW, pricing for each E90 M3 Lite will be different & will depend-upon how much work we need to put into it before offering it up for sale.

At a Min, each will get new Valve Stem Oil Seals & new (stock ?) Valve Springs, plus the entire set of new Valve Cover Gaskets, in addition to the camshafts.

Doesn't sound like much, but should be good for an additional 50K-100K miles out of an N52 !

The gist of it ALL, rather than offer a set of intake & exhaust camshafts for $2K USD, we'll produce & offer E90 M3 Lite sports sedans for ~$10K USD above our purchase & parts cost.

On a side note, what we're up-to with our E90 M3 Lite will help us get Photosets off the ground in Tim Cook's catastrophically-broken App Store.

And, importantly, once the AAPL Board & Apple's largest shareholders find out just how much Coin Apple has left on the table because of Tim & Phil, both will be forced out !

It's NOT OK for Apple to suppress third-party app innovation just because
such innovation makes them look bad.

(table last updated 11:30 AM, Sat, Dec 7, 2024)

















Cosmosent camshafts





at 6250

at 2750







+ 5-10

+ 5-10







325i: 215
at 6250

328i 230
at 6500

325i: 185
at 2750

328i 200
at 2750



News Update : 7 AM (La Jolla-time) Sunday, Dec 8, 2024

FYI, we've been Asked & have Agreed, to list our Top Priorities.

(table last updated 8 AM, Sun, Dec 8, 2024)








Best app in its category & Light Years Ahead of Apple's native Burst mode feature, but you would NOT know it by its status in
Tim Cook's App Store !




11 mm / 268 degree
intake & exhaust

We're car guys, but more than that, we're addressing a Golden Financial Opportunity.

Serves two purposes,
one of which is to Fill a Void.




Center-Right Independent Thinkers (CRIT)

Brand-new Political Party

Serves two purposes,
one of which is to Fill a Void.


(1) It is precisely because of Photosets' status in Tim Cook's App Store
that we're now actively working on the other two items.

Those sufficiently Skilled in the Art (of Marketing) should appreciate what we're up to.

(2) BMW never produced an N52-based M3 sports sedan.

We consider that to be a Dumb Move on their part,
especially since the 2006-2008 E90 sedans were BMW's last
with their highly-prized Hydraulic-assist Power Steering.

Our camshafts will result in what we refer to as an "E90 M3 Lite" !

And will very-likely suck ALL of the oxygen out of the EV market.

(3) Intended to give the 1/3 in the middle a Political Voice
(& perhaps some much-needed Political Power).



