Cosmosent "Critics Corner"

Enthusiasm for Camera App Use-Cases is what drives most iPhone upgrades.

i.e., the decision by iPhone owners as to when to upgrade.

So why then did Apple intentionally neglect the third-party Burst Photo Camera App "category" ?

If you know Our Story, you'll know the reason.

Photos on one end, Videos on the other end, & Burst Photos, preferably captured with High-Precision Timing, in the middle.

Apple gets an A- for Photos, an A+ for Videos, but ONLY a D- for their native Camera's Burst mode feature.

And BTW, Photosets first became a rare, true Flagship-caliber Burst Photo Camera App upon the release of the 2016 iPhone 7+, Apple's first high-perf iPhone.


Click on the graph to view its 4K Res version.

The difference between the Orange line & the Burgundy line represents (our estimate of) the high-end iPhone revenue Apple "left on the table," due to iPhone Upgrade Cycles being longer than they should have been.


📌 News Update : 10:30 AM (La Jolla-time) Sunday, June 23, 2024

Did you know that Apple provides NO Transparency to App Devs WRT Ratings & Reviews ?

At a MIN, we believe Apple should be providing some key details, such as to how many Ratings Requests (made by an app) were NOT honored by iOS, as well as how many Ratings submitted by Users were NOT honored by Apple.

And to do so for each on a per-day basis.

Ideally, using the format in the table below.

And BTW, we say this today because Photosets had a surge of New Downloads the previous few days, but NO New Ratings.

How is that even possible ?

It's possible because Apple clearly has an App Store monopoly & can use their Power (i.e., their ability to fully control the narrative) to suppress whichever apps & app categories they choose !

ALL with NO transparency to App Devs OR to the General Public.

And if that's NOT bad enough, Tim Cook appointed Phil Schiller to run the App Store.

Combined, Tim & Phil have NO Engineering OR Software Development experience, & NO "Camera App" Domain/Application/Use-Case expertise.

Go Figure !

(table last updated 10:30 AM, Sun, June 23, 2024)


Ratings Requests

(made by an app)

Ratings submitted

by Users


by iOS

NOT Honored
by iOS


by Apple

NOT Honored
by Apple









📌 News Update : 2 PM (La Jolla-time) Saturday, June 15, 2024

FYI, today we want to provide a Heads Up on what we're now up to.

Apple dug themselves into a hole & due to our strategy, insight, & perseverance, we've made it deeper over time.

And, we believe, it represents the best example that Apple does in-deed have a Monopoly, at least WRT their App Store.

The facts:

1.) Photosets made its debut in the App Store on June 10, 2015.

2.) Phil Schiller began running the App Store on Dec 17, 2015.

One of Phil's first decisions was a Change of App Store Policy that gave older/legacy apps an advantage over newer apps, WRT Ratings & Reviews.

We publicly complained about that, which "could have" led to Photosets being Blacklisted by Apple's App Store.

At least WRT being Recommended OR Promoted.

That's what we believe happened.

And BTW, our complaints have been proven correct over time !

3.) Photosets first became a rare, true Flagship-caliber (Burst Photo) Camera App upon the release of the 2016 iPhone 7+, Apple's first true High-Perf iPhone.

Regardless, it has received NO love from Apple since then.

In fact, just the opposite.

Apple has intentionally neglected the entire third-party Burst Photo Camera App "category".

In fact, to our knowledge, Apple has never Recommended OR Promoted ANY third-party Burst Photo Camera App since their acquisition of SnappyCam back in Dec of 2013, even though the only thing Apple probably leveraged from that app was its NEON-based JPEG encoder implementation.

Our complaint against Apple starts at the release of the 2016 iPhone 7+.

Does OR Does NOT Apple have both a Duty & a Responsibility to Recommend & Present the best apps to its customers ?

i.e., to our mutual customers.

We believe they do, & we believe Apple's customers also believe they do.

4.) In May of 2018, our 2nd iOS App, Timmy, a math-based per-Qtr, per-Device iPhone Unit Sales Estimator App made its debut in the App Store.

5.) On Sat, Oct 27, 2018, we began testing Photosets on Apple's iPhone Xr, which had been released the day before.

Photosets crashed repeatedly & consistently when transitioning into the app's Camera.

Something it had never done before.

Only took us a day to figure-out that Apple had broken the Performance Controller part of the A-series chip in the iPhone Xr.

And we immediately put the word out, both to the General Public & to Apple.

We called the Chip Bug the "A11/A12 Performance Controller NEON Access Chip Bug," which we nicknamed "Phil's Bug," after Phil Schiller, because if he had done his job he could have prevented the Chip Bug from occurring in the first place.

Very specifically, if Apple's App Store had Recommended OR Promoted Photosets shortly after it first became a rare, true Flagship-caliber Burst Photo Camera App (late-2016 timeframe), it very-likely would have become popular.

And, because it has a Unique & Innovative High-Precision Timing Capture Engine, would very-likely have been adopted by Apple R&D to Field Test their A-series chips BEFORE committing to production Silicon.

Two important points need to be mentioned here:

i.) We did NOT purchase ANY of the 2017 iPhones.

Photosets was running so well on the 2016 iPhone 7+, AND we never considered Apple would introduce a catastrophic chip bug into its Next-Gen A-series chips.

As such, the Chip Bug made it through two generations of A-series chips.

We didn't notice it until we were testing Photosets on an A12.

Subsequent to that we realized the issue also affected the A11.

Please note that the A10 & older A-series chips are Rock Solid WRT Photosets, as well as the A13 & newer A-series chips.

Apple fixed the Chip Bug prior to releasing the A13.

Never gave us ANY credit for it.

And just as importantly, never compensated us for our financial loss.

ii.) The A10 had a simplified Performance Controller design that worked flawlessly.

In the A11 & A12, Apple incorporated fancier & fancier Performance Controller designs.

They even touted it back then.

Apple simply didn't sufficiently test their new Performance Controller designs prior to committing to production Silicon.

6.) On Nov 1, 2018, just a few days after our Chip Bug Discovery, Apple announced that they would NO longer report iPhone Unit Sales.

7.) In Sept of 2019, the day before Apple's BIG iPhone announcement that month, Apple pulled our Timmy app from the App Store.

And the reason they gave us for doing so was Total BS.

OK, where do things stand today ?

It's time for us to get the word out, & NOT just the details, but ALSO the BIG picture perspective.

i.e., it's NOT just high-end iPhone owners that Apple has cheated out of certain benefits, but ALSO AAPL shareholders.

Enthusiasm for Camera Applications/Use-Cases is what has driven most iPhone Upgrade Cycles.

i.e., the decision by iPhone owners as to when to upgrade.

Photos on one end, Videos on the other end, & Burst Photos, preferably captured with High-Precision Timing, in the middle.

Apple gets an A- for Photos, an A+ for Videos, but ONLY a C- for Burst Photos.

Simply put, since the release of the 2016 iPhone 7+, Apple's native Burst mode feature has NEVER compared favorably to our Photosets.

Relative to Apple's Burst mode feature, Photosets is Light Years Ahead in both Burst Photo Technology & Applications/Use-Case support.

OK, what's the next step ?

First, we want Apple to Fess Up to the Cover Up !

Second, we want Apple to appropriately financially compensate ALL negatively affected parties.

Us, high-end iPhone owners, & AAPL shareholders.

OK, what's the most concrete proof you have that Apple has an App Store monopoly ?

Because Apple has NO App Store competition it has NO real "App Discovery" competition.

As such, Apple has been able to Fully Control the Narrative WRT "App Discovery," including suppressing knowledge of a critical A-series Chip Bug, AND very importantly, intentionally neglecting an entire Camera App "category" to Cover Up Knowledge of the Chip Bug.
