News Update : 7 AM (La Jolla-time) Monday, Feb 17, 2025 FYI, we're moving forward with adding 10-bit 422 4K photo capture to the Base version of Photosets, but NOT how it's currently implemented in the app. The gist, because the Feature will ONLY be available on Apple's "four" newest "Pro" iPhones & because we're limiting the Max Number of Photos per Set to ONLY "10" OR "15" 10-bit 422 4K photos/set (to protect our IP), we believe it makes alot of sense for us to config the capture process to "Auto Craft" 10-bit ProRes 422HQ videos (during capture). In other words, with this approach, End Users will end up with (Short) 10-bit ProRes 422HQ video "scenes". And from there, craft Short-Form, Multi-Scene Videos. For reference, see Photosets' existing 8-bit 420 Short-Form, 60-scene Video Maker. As a reminder, v11.5 will represent Photosets' 400th App Review Approval, & because of that we want to make a BIG splash with it. On a side note, we plan to keep the Base version of Photosets priced at ONE U.S. Buck. And, until further notice, we plan to keep both IAPs in their current state. i.e., "Removed from Sale". Both IAPs are relatively new, & neither has had ANY sales. For clarity, it's the Features & Capabilities behind those two IAPs that we'll be using for our
In House Content Producer efforts. And BTW, we expect to generate 95% of our Revenue from our In House Content Producer efforts, & ONLY 5% from App Store sales. Do NOT be surprised if we "set a trend". -----
📌 Older News Updates can be found on our News webpage. -----
📌 Updated High-Level Overview (table last updated 7 AM, Mon, Feb 17, 2025)
Version of Photosets |
Image Stabilized 4K60 Photo Capture (Max photos/set) (1) |
NOT Image Stabilized 12 Mpx Photo Capture (Max photos/set) (2) |
8-bit 420 60-scene Video Maker (3) |
10-bit ProRes 422HQ Single-Scene Video Maker (4) |
8-bit 420 |
10-bit 422 |
8-bit 420 |
10-bit 422 |
"Super Producer" (10-bit 422) - |
- |
30-45 (5) |
- |
- |
- |
✔ |
"Producer" (8-bit 420) - |
60 |
- |
40 |
- |
✔ |
- |
"Base" $0.99 |
30 |
10-15 (6) |
20 |
- |
✔ |
✔ (6) |
(1) Image Stabilized; 4K30 & 4K60 supported, 4K120 "in the works". (2) NOT Image Stabilized; Fixed Capture Rate of 30 fps. (3,4) R&D's schedule for adding "collaborative" Multi-Scene Video Maker support: (3) v11.6 (4) v11.7 (5) Super Producer ONLY: 30 photos/set,
Both IAPs: 45 photos/set. (6) 10-bit 422 4K photo capture in the Base version: v11.5 -----
Cosmosent Labs, Inc. La Jolla, California -----

● Key STATs (June 10, 2015 - Feb 17, 2025): ● Downloads: 50.1K World, 13.8K In the States ● Updates: 998K World, 544K In the States ● # of App Review Approvals:  399 -----
📌 Our Top Priorities (table last updated 9 AM, Sat, Feb 1, 2025)
# |
% |
Item |
Comment |
1 |
90% |
Photosets v11.3+ |
Best app in its category & Light Years Ahead of Apple's native Burst mode feature, but you would NOT know it by its status in Tim Cook's App Store ! (1) |
2 |
0% |
BMW N52 11 mm / 268 degree intake & exhaust camshafts |
We're car guys, but more than that, we're addressing a Golden Financial Opportunity. Serves two purposes, one of which is to Fill a Void. (2) |
3 |
0% |
Center-Right Independent Thinkers (CRIT) |
Brand-new Political Party Serves two purposes, one of which is to Fill a Void. (3) |
4 |
10% |
Distilling Open Source AI Models for specific Domains & Applications/Use-Cases aligned with Photosets' feature set |
May become a bigger % over time |
that we're now actively working on the other two items. Those sufficiently Skilled in the Art (of Marketing) should appreciate what we're up to.
especially since the 2006-2008 E90 sedans were BMW's last
with their highly-prized Hydraulic-assist Power Steering. Our camshafts will result in what we refer to as an "E90 M3 Lite" ! (3) Intended to give the 1/3 in the middle a Political Voice
(& perhaps some much-needed Political Power). -----
📌 Our prototype E90 M3 Lite
How our E90 M3 Lite stacks up (table last updated 7:30 PM, Sat, Dec 14, 2024)
Mod |
Intake |
Exhaust |
Performance |
Lift (mm) |
Duration (degrees) |
Lift (mm) |
Duration (degrees) |
HP |
Torque |
0-60 (seconds) |
Cosmosent E90 M3 Lite |
11.0 |
268 |
11.0 |
268 |
245 at 6250 |
230 at 2750 |
~4.9 |
Marty's MILVs |
+1 |
+2-3 |
- |
- |
+ 5-10 |
+ 5-10 |
~5.7 |
Stock |
9.7 |
255 |
9.7 |
263 |
325i: 215 at 6250 328i 230 at 6500 |
325i: 185 at 2750 328i 200 at 2750 |
~5.9 |
Final Parts List for the Valve Stem Oil Seal R&R Job ALL parts, except the Intake Valve Springs, were purchased at FCP Euro. Total parts cost:  $1,273.14 USD Important Notes: 1.) The N52 in our prototype 2006 E90 M3 Lite
has Exhaust valves with a 6 mm stem diameter. 2.) The ONLY part that wasn't In Stock anywhere were the Intake Valve Springs. And the reason we didn't order those early was because we didn't know if we needed
12 (Intake ONLY) OR 24 (Intake & Exhuast). They are strictly for valves with a 5 mm stem diameter.
(table last updated 3 PM, Tues, Dec 24, 2024)
Part |
Genuine BMW |
Delivered |
Comment |
11_34_0_034_068 Intake Valve Stem Oil Seals 12x 5mm seals ($72.99) |
✔ |
✔✔ |
- |
11_34_0_035_853 Exhaust Valve Stem Oil Seals 12x 6 mm seals ($72.99) |
✔ |
✔✔ |
- |
11_34_7_523_971 Intake Valve Spring ($21.98 x 12) |
✔ |
✔✔ |
BMW of South Atlanta |
11_34_7_563_460 Exhaust Valve Spring ($18.99 x 12) |
✔ |
✔✔ |
- |
11_33_7_548_690 Intake Lifter ($12.99 x 12) |
- |
✔ |
INA part |
11_33_7_605_330 Exhaust Lifter ($9.29 x 12) |
- |
✔ |
INA part |
11_31_7_587_757 Rectangring Camshaft Seals ($8.09 x 2) |
✔ |
✔ |
- |
11_36_7_524_954 VANOS Sprocket Bolt ($6.39 x 2) |
✔ |
✔ |
- |
11_31_7_502_180 Crankshaft Sprocket ($31.59) |
✔ |
✔ |
Needed ? Lock Washer ?, Hub Bolt ? |
091919100 Timing Chain Kit ($143.99) |
- |
✔ |
Iwis part |
07_12_9_903_192 Timing Chain Guide Bolt ($1.79 x 2) |
✔ |
✔ |
- |
11_31_7_584_170 Timing Chain Guide Bearing Bolt ($15.59) |
✔ |
✔ |
- |
11_31_7_592_878 Timing Chain Guide Bearing Bolt ($10.29) |
✔ |
✔ |
- |
11_12_7_581_215KT Valve Cover Gasket Kit ($134.16) |
✔ |
✔ |
- |